Chapter 34

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*Guyzzzz. I got my computer back. asdfghjkl. So excited. :D here's da chaptaaaa.*

*Sydney's POV*

It's three days before Christmas and we are on our way to the airport then to Ireland to visit Niall's family. Niall and I have become so close and so in love these past  months. It's crazy how fast you can actually fall in love with someone. A l lot of people would say we rushed things, but I wouldn't say so. Our relationship is amazing. We didnt' even cause our break up, management did, so I still consider we were in a relationship then.

"Babe?" Niall asks.

"Huh? Yeah?" I reply.

"You zoned out. I asked you if you have all your luggage packed and ready to go." 

"Oh yeah. It's all ready." 

I start grabbing my luggage and Niall takes it from me. 

"I will carry it love." 

"You don't have too."

"I want too." He says and kisses my forehead. 


After we have all the luggage packed in the car we head to the airport. 

There's a ton of fans outside so we have tons of bodyguards taking us in. We make it in safely and go through security and all that boring stuff and before I know it, we're boarding our plane. 

We take our seats and get comfortable for the long flight. 

"Are you ready to be back in Ireland?" I ask Niall. 

"Yes. I miss my mum so much and my flat." 

"Me too. I like it." 


Niall and I both put our earphones in and begin listening to our music. I choose Ed Sheeran and put it on shuffle. Kiss Me comes on. One of my favorite songs by him.

Christmas is so close and I haven't baught Niall anything. I have NO clue what to get him. Maybe something with Irish culture in it? Hmm. He does need a new wallet...and a watch. Maybe I could get him a personalized wallet and watch. 

I go to fossil's website and look at the watches and wallets. 

I notice a dark metal watch that you can personalize the inside of it. I tap the picture and begin messing around. I find a clip art of a clover and inser it. The watch looks great. I think He'll love it. Now time for a wallet. I do the same thing and find a wallet that is nice. It's a dark leather with the fossil emblem on it, but I changed it to a clover with the 'fossil' name on it and the linin is black with green clovers. I think he'll love this one as well. 

"whatcha doing?" Niall ask. 

I quickly cover my phone. 


"Mmhmm. let me see."

"No. It's a secret." I say and stick my tongue out at him.

"You asking for something to lick?" Niall winks.

I punch him in the arm. "Niall!" 

"Hahaha. Sorry I had too."

I just roll my eyes and continue listening to my music.



Many many hours later we are preparing to land.

"Finally." I breathe.

"I know right."

We land and grab our stuff and try to get through the airport quickly. We stop for a few fans and talk to them and take pictures and then we begin our drive to Mullingar.

After the hour long drive we pull up to Niall's family home. Niall runs inside like a little kid.

"Mom!!" He shouts hugging Muara.

"Baby  I've missed you."

"I miss you much."

"Don't think I forgot about you Miss.Sydney." She says pulling me into a hug. "It's so good to see you again."

"You too." I say hugging back.

"Well c'mon I have dinner ready."

"YES I'M STARVING." Niall shouts.

Fatass. Always starving, even though he ate like four meals on the plane. I love him so much. 

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