Chapter 33

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**hey guys sorry I've missed like 2 updates but I've had a horrible couple of days. But here you go! :) **

*Sydney's POV*

I lie in the bed watching Niall as he sleeps. His mouth slightly agape and him giving off a slight snore is adorable. I missed waking up to this and I'm glad I have it back.

My hand tracing the outlines of his face must have woken him up because his cute little grin begins forming on his face.

"Mornin' " He says, leaning over to kiss me.

I lean into the kiss and open my mouth to let him in. His arms pull me into his embrace as his tongue leads mine. Our lips move in sync as he caresses my body.

"Good morning to you too." I reply after breaking the kiss.

"God I miss this. I'm so glad you're back." He whispers.

"Me too."

We are just about to kiss again until Liam comes in an ruins it.

"C'mon we have to go to the meeting." He says then realizing what he walked into. "Oh...sorry if I ruined a moment but...uh we gotta go."

"Haha it's fine Li. Niall's coming." I say.

"You are too. Management wants all girlfriends here. So you and Amanda are coming."

My mouth forms an 'O' shape. I wonder why management wants us girls there.



After everyone had breakfast and was dressed we began our way to the meeting with management.

We are walking inside the office now.

"Good morning." Beth says and Mark nods.

Niall eyes both of them and we all take seats. It ends up being me on Niall's lap because there isn't a lot of seats to choose from. Amanda does the same with Harry.

"Okay I know you are all wondering why we asked the girls to also come." Beth speaks.

We all nod.

"Well we've decided that we cannot control your personal lives or your relationships. We can and will advise on you though."

Niall scoffs, but I rub his thigh to calm him. He squeezes my hand and hisses my shoulder.

"We have some...suggestions about girls or relationships and how you should approach all of this." Mark finally joins in.

He explains how the boys should be a bit more open with the fans with what girls they hang out with, because the fans seem to like when the boys tell thin instead of guessing who they are. So if a girl is really just a friend, tell them. If she's something more, tell them that way.

He also explains how the girls should never be rude to a fan, no matter how rude they are to us because they're just jealous and us lashing out will just make the situations worse.

True. I always try to be nice as possible to fans, mostly because I still am.

"Okay everyone understand?" Mark asks.

We all nod again.

"Alright you may go. Oh and boys don't forget you have a interview tonight and then you have three days until you go home for the holidays"

I almost forgot it's almost Christmas. I wonder what we're doing for the break. Niall will probably go home to Ireland and I'll stay here with mom.

"Wanna go walk around the park love?" Niall asks.

"That sounds good." I answer, taking his hand.



We get dropped off at the park, along with Paul walking behind us.

Niall intertwines our fingers and pulls me along.

"You look beautiful today." He says, looking at me with those blue eyes.

"Pfft. As if." I reply.

I'm wearing a navy blue tank with a grey Victoria secret PINK hoody and some light blue jeans shorts with a thick brown belt. My hairs in its natural state and I have no make up on.

"I'm serious. You get prettier and prettier ever day."

"You get...sexier and sexier everyday."

He pulls me in close to him.

"You think I'm sexy?" He ask seductively.

Our foreheads touch, our lips centimeters away from each other.

"Yes." I whisper.

"I know." He winks.

I playfully punch his arm.

"I love you so much." He says and kisses me.

"I love you more."

"Doubt that."

We continue walking along the paths of the park. Occasionally stopping to look at something or talk to some fans that have noticed him.

"Look at that squirrel." I say pointing at the squirrel that's eating something about ten feet away from us.

"It's you." He says.

I blush for some reason.

"Why are you blushing?" He asks, laughing a bit.

"I don't know. Maybe because Niall Horan, in one direction that has millions of girls he could have but he chooses me and then tells me I'm as cute as a squirrel."

"I guess that's a good reason." He replies, kissing my cheek.

We walk along, hand in hand, in silence for a few minutes.

"Syd." Niall asks.


"What are you doing for Christmas?"

"Probably the usual. Spend the day with my mom."

"I was thinking you could come with me and stay. I know you've met my mo already but it wasn't for very long and that was before we were this serious. I'm sure she'd love to see you again."

"That'd be amazing." I agree.

"Okay good." He says and kisses me again.

We decide to go back to the hotel now.

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