Chapter 22

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**Hey guys, enjoy. :) <3 THANKS FOR READING!! xoxo**

“SURPRISE!!!” Tons of people yelled.

I look around and see there are at least three hundred people in the club, all here for me. There is a ‘Happy birthday Sydney’ banner hanging up, a huge four tear, cupcake cake, and tons of presents that is gonna take hours to open.

“Oh my gosh….I-I don’t know what to say.” I say.

“You should say thank you to Niall, he planned it.” My mom says walking up to me and hugging me. I hug her back.

Looking at Niall I say “you did all of this?”

“I had a little help from the boys, management, and..Amanda.” He replies.


“Yeah girl! I’m HERE!” Amanda yells running up to me.

“Oh my gosh!!!” I yell back and hug her tight.

“Well let’s partyyyy!!!” Louis yells and the DJ blasts the music and everyone starts dancing and partying.

“Niall, I can’t believe you did all of this for me. It’s so much. Thank you.” I tell him.

“Anything for my princess.” He says and kisses me.  “Now, I have some people to introduce you to.”

We start walking around the club and he introduces me to a lot of his friends from around here. I also introduce him to a few of mine.

“Hey Bailey. I didn’t know you were here.” I say to Bailey, who I haven’t seen in weeks.

“Yeah girl, Amanda invited me. Where have you been? You haven’t been to class.”

“I dropped it because I’m going on tour with Niall, oh and by the way, this is Niall.”

“Hello love, I’m Niall.” Niall greets her.

“Hi…I’m Bailey.” She says to him, smiling.

Then something hits me… I should introduce Bailey to Liam!

“Bailey, do you want to meet Liam?” I ask her.

“Uhm, oh my gosh, yes!” She squeals.

I tell Niall I’ll be right back and I take her to find Liam.


“Liam!” I heard someone shout. I turned around. It’s Sydney and another girl following her. This girl is beautiful. Long, straight, dirty blonde hair and the prettiest lips I’ve ever seen.

“Hey Sydney, what’s up? Enjoying yourself?” I ask.

“Yes I am. You all did a great job at keeping the secret.” Sydney answers.

“Haha we try.” I say and wink at her.

“Anyways Liam, I wanted to introduce you to my friend Bailey. She’s really cool.” She says pointing to Bailey.

So that’s her name. Bailey. She’s beautiful. I have to get to know her.

“Hello Bailey, I’m Liam. Nice to meet you love.” I greet her.

“Yourmyfavorite” She spits out really fast. So cute.

“Uhmm. I’m sorry. It’s nice to meet you too Liam.” She corrects herself.

“Haha, so I’m your favorite?”

She nods her head.

“Well I must get to know you then. Would you like to dance?” I ask.

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