Chapter 36

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*Hey guys. I know it's been over a week without an upload. I'm so sorry. :( Please forgive me. I've just been so stressed and had family problems a lot lately and just everything. I'll try to update as often as I can. :) Love you all. xoxo *

*Sydney's POV* 

I wake up to the touch of Niall. His lips stealing kisses from mine. His hot breath flows onto my neck as he gently kisses it. I smile at his gentle ways of waking me up. 

"Merry Christmas." He whispers. 

"Merry Christmas." I reply and kiss him on the lips once more.

We stayed the night at Niall's moms house last night so we could be here this morning.

"C'mon. I think everyone's up." He says sitting up.

"What time is it?" I ask.

"Seven thirty. We have a big day. Lot's of family is coming over."

"Yay. I haven't met all of your family yet."

"They'll love you." He says and kisses me on the nose. "Now c'mon. I wanna open presents."

"You're such a little kid I swear." I say, shaking my head.

We finally get up and head down stairs. Everyone is waiting on us in front of the Christmas tree.

"Good morning." Maura says cheerfully.

"' G'mornin mum." Niall says. "Merry Christmas."

"Good morning." I say and smile.

Niall and I take a seat on the ground next to his brother. I sit in Nialls lap.

"So who gets to open the first present?" Niall asks eagerly.

"You can honey." Maura replies.

"What? Not fair!" Greg argues.

"Hush. I haven't seen him in weeks. He get's to open the first present."

He just pouts as Niall cheers.

Niall looks at all the presents that are his and scan through, looking for the best one. He picks up a box that's red and has a big green bow on it. 

"This one looks good." He says and starts ripping the paper like a little kid. 

He finally gets it undone, after having trouble with the bow, and opens the box. It's a bunch of Polo's and nice dress shirts. 

"Those are from me." Maura tells him. 

"They're great mum. I love them." He says and kisses her on the cheek. 

"You're welcome." She replies. 

"My turn now?" Greg asks. 

Maura nods her head. 

It goes on like this for a while. Greg and Niall opening up there presents. Niall bought greg nerf guns and they have a nerf gun war for a few minutes, one of them shoots me in the eye. Pretty sure it was Niall but I really don't know. 

Niall got his mum a very pretty, and i'm sure expensive, watch. It was a rose gold color and was very unique. She loved it.

Niall also received some new Beats headphones, a few more shirts, some chinos, a new pair of shoes, and Greg got him a new video game for his Play Station. 

"Your turn Sydney dear. You haven't opened one yet." Maura says, handing me a present. "This is from all of us, except Niall." 

"You didn't have to. But thanks." I say and grab the present. 

Gotta Be You.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora