Chapter 37

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*Sydney's POV*

"Eeehemm." Maura coughs as she walks into the living room and Niall and I are still in our heated make out session.  

"Sorry Ma." Niall says. I'm pretty sure he's equally as embarrased as I am. 

"It's fine Niall. Now you two need to start getting ready, the guests will be arriving at eleven." She tells us. 

We nodd our heads and go upstairs to the bedroom. 

"Now where were we?" Niall asks seductively as he pulls me into him, connecting our kiss once more. 

"N-niall." I say as I catch my breath. "We can't do this" 

"Why the hell not?" 

"'s Christmas... and you're mom is downstairs." 

"I can be quiet...I just don't know if you can." He says and winks. 

"Niall Horan. Are you getting...cocky?" 

"No. I just know I make you scream." 

I punch him in the arm. 

"Ow baby. I'm sorry...But you know I do though." 

"I know." I whisper in his ear. 

"Is that a yes?" He asks. 

I mean...what could it hurt? Plus he looks really hot all sexually frustrated and stuff.



"Wow." I breathe, falling of of Niall.

"I love you."

"I love you too, Niall." I reply and get up out of the bed.

"Where are you going?" Niall asks.

"To shower..duh."

"Alright. I'm gonna go take one in my mums room."

"Okay." I say closing the bathroom door.

I strip down and then turn the shower on. While the water heats up I look at myself in the mirror. My stomach was getting fuller now that Nial and I were back together. When we broke up I tended to not eat as much and lost a lot of weight.

I continue looking at myself and that's when I notice it...a huge ass hickey on my neck.

"Shit." I breathe.

There's not much I can dow but take my shower and then hopefully cover it up with enough make up and maybe I could wear a scarf. Yeah, that sounds like a good I dea.

I step into the shower and let the warm water run down my body. Showers have always been so relaxing to me. The warm water and steam just releasing stress from your body.

After I finish my shower I step out and put on my robe and my hair in the towel, letting it dry. I start on my make up. The usual, base, powder, blush, eyeshadow, eye liner, and mascara. And a little extra on my neck, trying to cover up the hicky as good as possible. Which, wasn't good enough. 

Yep definitely have to wear a scarf. 

I go through my suitcase and pull out a black sparkly shirt and some white skinny jeans. I pull the shirt over my head and the pants up my waist. It looks good. I find a red scarf, red for the holidays, and wrap it around my neck. 

Perfect. No one would be able to tell. 

Now time for shoes. 

(Outfit to da righttttttt. >>>)

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