Andrue's POV

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It's now December, the 5th and it's Maleficent's birthday. Everyone was crowding her and I kept my distance. I kind of have a dilemma because I like Alice. Alice and I are so perfect for each other! We always hang out by the school lake and we run together for track. I stopped by Alice's door to see her so happy. "Andrue! I've got amazing news!!" She said. "Alright let's hear it!" I replied. "I have a boyfriend!!" She shouted. My smile melted away. "That's great!" I lied. "Who is it?" I asked. "Peter!" She said.
"OMG LOOK THEY'RE GONNA FIGHT!" Ariel said. "I HATE YOU PETER! COME NEAR ALICE AND I'LL KILL YOU!" I screamed. "I'll come near anyone I like, I'll even kiss her in front of you." Peter said all smug like. Jayson stepped in and pushed Peter. Peter grabbed his sword out, then Jayson grabbed his. "Ah Jayson the son of a fairy and a lame excuse for a brother!" Peter said. "Oh Peter didn't you know, mother favorited me more!" Jayson said as he flew up in the air. Jayson darted at Peter and scratched his arm. I turned and walked away as Jayson fell to the ground. I ran back to him and he was impaled. I grabbed Jayson and ran to the hospital. I could hear Peter calling my name.
"Andrue you look sick! What's the matter?" Alice said. "I-I'm fine. I've got to go to class" I said. All day I thought about how Peter had gotten Alice instead of me. I went up to Alice to see she was crying. "Alice!! What happened?" I said. "Peter... he-he called me psycho! I told him about absolum and he flipped!" She said. "Alice I-I love you.." I said. She smiled and said "I love you too, but first I've got to deal with someone." Peter was strolling along and grabbed Alice by the waist. "Peter we need to talk." Alice said. "I'm breaking up with you" they both said. I was filled with joy and Alice hugged me and we went for ice cream.

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