Tinkerbell's POV

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Me and Diaval broke up and I've been so sad. My roommates Lilo and Alysia have been trying to cheer me up. Me and my Best Friend Timon have been hanging out by some weird grotto. He texted me after I packed up my bags.
Hey wanna go to the grotto? I've got something to tell you😊
I always liked how close we were. So I jumped into the shower and put my favorite green dress on. I put my hair in the neatest bun ever, with some help from Alysia. "I'm bringing Starbucks back!" I yelled. "yay!" Lilo and Alysia shouted in unison. I flew over to the grotto to see Timon sitting on the bench. "Tink, I've got a question for you." Timon asked. "Ok what is it?" I wondered. "Will you be my girlfriend?" Timon asked. I felt tears in my eyes, they were happy tears. " Are you upset? I'm sorry I shouldn't have" I cut Timon off "I love you too!" We hugged and I started to glow. "Starbucks?" Timon asked. "Yes! I need to bring back some for Lilo and Aly." I replied. We got our Starbucks and I headed home gleeful. I saw Amandine wheeling herself towards the stairs. I flew over to her. "Need help?" I asked. "Yes please, I just really don't know what to do!" She said prettily. I helped her down the stairs and she thanked me "Here's 3 Disney Tokens, sorry but it's all I've got on me!" She said. Wow she's so nice! I headed back to my dorm and laid on my bed.

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