Ariel's POV

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Ok so I was trying to make my seashell chariot faster than before and then all of a sudden I turned my chariot on. A loud VROOM. Perfect!!! I got it! I called Belle " Belle can you bring some pie over, I did something amazing." Belle said she was coming and I set up the grotto. My chariot looked cool and I was ready for some delicious pie. "Ariel I'm here! Can you call off the jellyfish?" Belle said. " Sting and Ray come here! Thanks Belle for coming." I replied. I set up the books and the plates and the glasses and thingamajigs. I can't remember what they are called, oh yeah! Forks. "So Ariel what were you working on?" Belle asked. "I fixed up my chariot and it is pretty cool. Also it has a book holder and double cup holders. Oh I added seats instead of standing, and the seats have princess-opedics." I said proudly. BZZZZ BZZZZ BZZZZZ, My icrown went off. It was Eric, oh no. Ever since I broke up with him he's been competing with John. *John Smith* Even though I'm not dating John, he hates him because we're best friends and thinks otherwise. "Who was that?" Belle asked. "Eric." I replied. " How did you meet John? I mean just out of curiosity." Belle said. " all started when." I said
"LOOK OUT A SHIP'S COMING THROUGH!" One merman screamed. My heart raced, could it be Eric? All of a sudden the ship exploded, shards of the ship went flying into my tail. I screamed, "SAVE THE PRINCESS!" A couple mermen screamed. "NO! I'VE GOT TO HELP HIM!" I screamed. I pulled John out of the water and placed him on a rock. "Wh-Who are you?" He asked "Ariel, my name is Ariel" I said. "Thank y-you Ariel, m-my name is John S-Smith" John replied quietly. I smiled and said "goodbye John Smith"
"Oh, well don't you get a happy ending!" Belle said. "Hahaha very funny, now let's eat pie!" I exclaimed. As we spent the rest of the evening giggling and watching movies there was a knock. I opened up the door, it was the new girl Amanda. Amanda was in a wheelchair with a breathing tube, Diaval was pushing her wheelchair. "Oh my gosh! Amanda are you ok? What happened?" I asked. "The princesses left me half dead at a studio shooting, you weren't there though." Amanda said. "Is belle here?" Diaval asked. "Yea! Belle come here!" I shouted. Belle didn't answer. "Belle?" I shouted again. I told Diaval and Amanda to come in and sit down. I ran to my bedroom and she was gone, she left out the window. "I'm sorry guys but she left" I told Amanda and Diaval. "I knew she was afraid. I will find her, anyways nice chariot Ariel" Diaval said. OMG Diaval noticed!!! Anyways I have to find out what Belle did.

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