Tinkerbell's POV

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"Did you tell him? If he's mad you know I'll date you in secrecy" Diaval said nervously. " Sometimes I don't know what your talking about, and yes he was mad." Tinkerbell replied. "you know he's like my dad, and he's waiting for you to mess up." Tink said. "Walt isn't the problem, so much. what about Jason?" Diaval answered. Jason always looked out for Tink, though they weren't biological siblings they always looked out for each other. " Now I know that Jason will be mad. I haven't told him yet cause you know he'll go through fires to kill you." Tink said. The two said goodbye and Tink left the House of Mouse cafe. As soon as she walked out the door an arrow flew straight into Wendy's chest. "OH MY GOSH!" Tinkerbell screamed. Diaval ran out and an arrow scratched his cheek. "Tink! Why would you do this? I thought you loved me!" Diaval saw the bow and arrow in her hands. Tinkerbell screamed " I didn't do this to you! It was Regina! Regina shot Wendy and..." Tink knew it was over, Regina got the best of her.

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