Timon's POV

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Me and Tink were taking care of Oakly, when Nurse Blue Fairy came. "He'll be fine, go and have fun you two." She said. "Wow, she's so nice. Where are we off to?" Tink asked. "Well I thought we could hit the treehouse and fix it up? Then we could maybe get some Starbucks?" I replied. We walked to the treehouse and saw something terrible. It was Oakly again being dragged from the window to the lake. I ran as fast as I could to Oakly and a mysterious person all in black. I pulled the guy and screamed "NURSE QUICKLY COME!!! OAKLY IS BEING KIDNAPPED!!" I held the guy down so he couldn't run. "Get off of me!" The man yelled. The Blue Fairy froze everyone. She walked up to the man and took off his hood. Revealing Scar, me and my Pridelands group hated him. She unfroze us all, Scar, embarrassed said "You all are stupid fools! Oakly is gonna get it, Soon...." I ran and punched Scar in the face. "Shut up Scar! Give up! You'll never be the king of the Pridelands!" I yelled. Walt ran and pulled me away from scar. "YOU TWO TO MY OFFICE NOW!" Walt screamed. Tink flew in front of Walt, doing something that made me explode like a volcano. He threw Tink. I pushed Mickey, who held my hand and ran up to Walt. I pulled my hand back for a punch, but I was frozen. Tink's light was flickering "NO!" I screamed. I was cast up in the air, then fell. I saw Tink's light glow back. I ran over to her and I carried her. Walt saw my anger and he walked away. The whole crowd walked away as well. Scar stared at me and said "Should've just stayed outta this, this wouldn't have been a success without you Timon. Honestly." I stared at him and replied "You're good, but I can play bad too." He stared and walked away. I felt Tink shiver, then I saw Jayson. Oh no, I have to tell him. "WHO DID THIS? DID YOU DO THIS!" He yelled. "NO!! I'M HER BOYFRIEND!" I screamed. By then I wasn't afraid of him anymore. He was just a boy protecting his sister. Jayson turned and angry red, then flew me to the treehouse and angrily flew out. I had a mini heart attack, until Tink woke up.

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