Maleficent's POV

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"Hey Regina look! My mom made me a portrait for my castle!" Maleficent said with happiness. "Wow! I wish my mom would do that for me. All I get is new potions and apples." Regina replied. BING BING BING! "Maleficent open up, I forgot my keys at moms house." Diaval responded. "ok but did mom say anything about the portrait?" Maleficent asked. As Maleficent opened the door, Diaval walked in with a girl named Amandaliov. "Hi sister! I'm Amandaliov, call me Amanda!" Diaval explained that their mom adopted Amanda when she was demonstrating her fire powers in town. There was a note on her shirt saying "This child is cursed with fire powers and I am deeply sorry to all those harmed by her." "So looks like we need to train this youngling." Regina said. "It would seem so." Maleficent responded. "Hey sis I got invited to a studio party by Snow White and Belle." Amanda said. "WHAT!" The stunned Maleficent and Regina said. "I'll take you" Diaval said.

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