Oakly's POV

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I was so embarrassed today. I knocked out the most popular kid in school. I stayed at Oak woods in one of the trees I carved a house into. Rapunzel has been trying to find me for the past 8 hours. "Hey where are you?😕" she texted. "I'm far away, so nobody will make fun of me." I texted back. "You know I'll never make fun of you!" She texted. "Are you sure because I have my whole half of my face in blue." I replied. She called me and I picked up. "What?" I asked. "Where are you?" She said. "Stop asking. I got to go." I said. I hung up. I could already feel her crying. I texted her " Go to the Oak woods I'm there." She texted me a 😘😄 emoji and half an hour later she found me. "Oakly this is yours!" She wondered. "Yea" I replied. She touched my face where I got hit. I pulled back because it hurt. "Here I got some supplies." she said. She treated my "wound" and we left back to my dorm. I was afraid but I found everyone clapping, for me! I smiled and ran up the stairs into my dorm room. Only some people were there. It wasn't my roommates. Robin Hood was stealing my dad's tokens for me. I tackled Robin Hood and he dropped the coins. "DUDE!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING IM JUST TRYING TO ROB THIS PLACE!" he yelled. "I'M THE GUY YOU'RE ROBBING!" I yelled back. I punched him and he was knocked out. I'd become a monster who only hurt others. I took a look in the mirror and said:
Mirror Mirror in my hand
Who's the nicest man in the
The mirror responded with:
You must change your ways Oakly, for you'll be the evil in the world.
I started to cry over Robin, suddenly waking him and healing his wounds. "Dude I'm sorry I was the one who knocked you out" I said. He took an arrow out of his quiver. I didn't care if he shot me because I deserved it. With one arrow through my stomach, I fell and gasped for air. Rapunzel came in and she was crying, I could hear "I CANT HEAL YOU MY POWERS ARENT FULLY DEVOLOPED!" I closed my eyes for a while. I could hear sirens and I saw white.
Am I dead? Where am I? I can't die! Rapunzel needs me!
I then realized I was in the E.R. Then pain shot my whole body and I could finally move my mouth and Hands. I stayed in the room crying wondering:
Why did I let this happen?

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