Zelene's POV

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"I am Zelene, daughter of the wicked witch of the west. I want to be an artist!" I exclaimed. I was at my hobby club with Ms. Poppins. My mom called my Icrown. "Hello? Zelene you need to stay home for a week, I'm writing a note for your school ok" my mom said. " ok mom, what happened?" I asked. "Dorothy is back for a week." My mom said. "ok well bye." I said. "This session is gonna have to end quick, sorry bye." I texted Glindina and Ozzy on my way out of the school. "Dorothy is back" I texted. "Oh my gosh, she's back?" Ozzy said. "I'll warn the munchkin squad." Glindina said. I stared at my Dorothy must die poster when I heard this. "Knock Knock, Witch!" Dorothy screamed at the door. I texted Ozzy and Glindina " she's at my house!!! Help!!!!!" "We're coming Zelene!" they replied. Then all of a sudden my door blew open. "so what'll it be death now or death later?" Dorothy said. "You can't kill me! I've got guards everywhere! Ozzy NOW!" I screamed. Ozzy jumped on her back and pulled her hair. "YOU LITTLE SON OF A FLYING MONKEY!!" Dorothy screamed. Walt appeared, "Ms. Dorothy, a word please." Walt said.

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