Chapter 17: Never Looking Back

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Chapter 17: Never Looking Back


"Is that the only line you know from the Wizard of Oz?" Xav asked frustrated.


"Oh God please, please, PLEASE  stop! You are going to drive me completley crazy before we even get to the pack house! And its only been 5 minutes and i swear if you don't-"

"Look muchkin! There it is!" I said cutting him off mid sentence.

"Did you just call me muchkin?"

"Psssstt. What? Me? Nah!" I snickered silently to myself as i watched his eyes roll.

"Whateves" He said mimiking me.

"Do you really want me to start singing again?" I asked with a wolfish smirk.

"Oh please don't! Why did I ever agree to become part of your pack? If i hadn't then i wouldn't have to listen to you sing all the damn time!"

"Oh shush you LOOOVVEEE my singing!" I said in a sing song voice. 

"Yeahh.... Imma go change.... behind A TREE just for YOU!"

"Oh thank GOSH! I don't have to see that ugly, wrinkly, moldy..."

"Excuse me! But I am in tip top shape for your information!" Xav said with an exasperated look.

"Okay then, hey look! SQUIRREL!" I screamed pointing in the other direction.

"WHERE!?" He said jokingly spinning around in a circle with his tongue hanging out of his mouth, it looked even funnier considering he was still in wolf form. 

I laughed loudly as i slid behind a tree and changed, and when i emerged Xav had done the same. I took a deep breath and looked at the house that held some of my worst memories. Okay, so just about all of my worse memories. This house, the people that were once in this house were the reason for Lukes death. Try not to think of that Faye... Come on think of something else..... Like the paint chipping of the side, or the windows that looked like they are about to fall off... This house needed some fixing up... Maybe since i am now the Alpha of this back... And the Luna of... Luke's... I should bring these wolves to that pack house...

"You ready?" Xav said interupting my train of that, has he held out his hand for me to take.

I looked down at his hand, took it in mine and then nodded with a small smile as we walked towards the house. Time to get this over with. 

As we walked through the front door everyone stopped what they were doing and stared at me, i let go of Xaviers warm hand and stood stil with my hands clasped together. My back straight as a rod as i looked at each and every person, then my eyes met the elders and he smiled softly at me and made his way towards me to stand in front of me. He bowed his head in a sign of respect to his new Alpha. I smiled warmly at him as his head rose and he grinned at me.

"Hello Alpha, the weather's lovley today isn't it" He said jokingly and the tension in the room slowly eased away from everyone as the slowly each bowed their heads and smiled at me.

"I am sorry to say that i am not here under good circumstances, but more of a... well lets get to the point, someone is... well their... I never realized how difficult this is to explain, somebody killed my mate..." There was a lot of gasps from the other wolves and a couple "Oh dears,".

"But you seem, I'm suppose to be dead, and I"m not and we," I said pointing between me and Xavier," believe that someone has poisoned him. He is still alive, but for only so long, and we only have a week before they bury him alive..."

"We'll help you, whatever it takes, we'll do it." The elder said without hesitation. 

"Thank you, thank you so much..."

"My name, young wolf, is David."

"Thank you David, thank you all," I said looking around the room at  all the smiling faces, thankful to have aquired such a fantastic group of people.

"Allrighty, we'll see you guys tomorrow, figure out our game plan and see what we are going to do next and where to go from there. Thanks again, bye!"

I slowly walked to the door, with Xavier hot on my heels and slammed the door. Walked off the creaky proch steps that seemed to be crumbling beneath my feet. Then i ran, I ran as fast as my feet could carry me and i didn't stop despite Xavier yelling for me. He gave up after a couple times and just decided to tail me all the way through the woods untill i stopped at a pond and fell to the ground.

I tucked my knees into my chest and cried. I felt Xavier wrap his warm arms around me, as he hugged me tightly to him and i realized that he's the closest thing i am going to get because if we fail, Luke is never coming back. But that won't matter because i'll be dead. And then nothing will matter, maybe then me and Luke can be together and then nothing can stop us. 

I looked up and saw the the sun was setting, the colors dancing off the water as lilypads floated around the water. The water rippling as a frog jumped from each lilipads and little bugs hung around, over the water like it was the hottest spot to be. Maybe they had a little night club there? And they had live music and they were all dancing and the frog jumping around was playing the drums, or so they thought he was actually there to eat the flies but they were so intoxicated that they didn't even notice that the frog was tricking them. And the fish in the pond were singing "UNDER THEE SEEAA" with a little crab name Sebastian and a little fish named Flounder as Ariel and Prince Eric , who in my story gets truend into a mermaid into of Ariel getting turned into a person and they are all dance and prancing, and rockin' around the christmas tree... and... and...

All of a sudden i heard Xavier cracking up on the side of me, and because i completley forgot he was there i screamed a little and grabbed my chest making sure my heart didn't pop out and land on the ground at my feet and then jump into the pond to join everyone at the dance club.

When i caught my breath and looked at my feet to make sure my heart was not lying on the ground a looked up a Xavier and glared at him even though he didn't notice because he was too busy rolling around on the ground holding his stomach.

"What's so funny mister?" I said as i lightly kicked his thigh.

"Y-yo-YOU!" He said bursting into another fit of laughter as he continued to roll around on the floor.

"I've never seen a grown man so foolishly roll around on the floor before!" I said trying to contain my laughter because, let me tell ya, his laugh was contagious and pretty soon even i was laughing as hard as him as soon as he explained to me what was so funny...

"You have the weirdest thoughts ever! Who thinks that a bunch of.. of.. animals is having a party and they are all drunk on pond water!" He said trying to stop laughing long enough to get out what he was trying to say.

"Hey! I never said that they were drunk on pond water! They have there own kinda alcohol!  Silly Gooose! How could you think so narrow minded after listening to my thoughts for the whole day! I thought i taught you better than that!" I said grinning at him.

"My B" He said with his hands in the air.

After are laughing fit had ceased, we sat back down back watching the flies and the frogs have a dance party till we decided it was time to go back. We did have a long day of planning tomorrow and i had no clue what so ever how we were going to go about things. All I knew was that i was going to be one long, agonizing day tomorrow. 

A/N: Finally updated ! Sorry for the long wait! Alllll up and ready for you to read! 


Oh and sorry for the long wait and bad grammar :/ 

going to make cookies now ! BYE :D 

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