Chapter 6: Nightmares

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Chapter 6: Nightmares

Days passed, and the snow seemed to never end. We had to shovel our way out everyday, dad almost never came home and if he did it was just to sleep and shower. The days have never felt so... long... The nights ever longer, as I lay awake cuddled next to Luke after the dream comes back every night... Like an unwanted guest returning everyday... But that's exactly what the dreams were, unwanted...

I mopped around the house for days, Luke was trying everything to help me feel better... and I did when he touched me, and I don't mean that in a really bad way! I mean just the simple holding hands, hugging, etc.... He left early one morning saying he had to go get something... He came back an hour later with a whole bag full of candy, soda, movies, and a big smirk.

He put everything down on the kitchen counter as I ran to him, but being the clutz I am, I started slidding on the tile floor, when I was about to fall I felt arms wrap around my waist just in time before my face it the tile.

"Thanks," I mumbled as he picked me up and hugged me.

"You need to be more careful love," he said kissing the top of my head.

"I know amore, I know...." I whispered back.

We stood there for a few minutes, my eyes closed tightly, as I concentrated on listening to his heart. The phone suddenly rang, as I jumped slightly at the sudden intrusion. I grumbled about how things get interrupted  at the worst times while Luke chuckled softly.

"Hello?" I said sweetly with a scowl still on my face.

"Faye? Is that you?" spoke a female voice.

"Yes, this is Faye.... Who am I speaking with?" The phone suddenly went dead as I pulled it away from my ear and hung it back up.

"They hung up," I said shrugging my shoulders.

Luke grabbed my hand, and handed me two sodas, my favorite - Code Red Mountain Dew, and his favorite, Sprite. He took the bag of candy, and placed the movies cases in his mouth because he didn't have any room to hold them... besides in his mouth I guess?

I squealed like a child and jumped up and down when I saw what movies he got...

"My favorites! You remembered!" I said smiling wildly at him.

"You're still a child at heart, aren't you?" he said shaking his head and chuckling.

"You ain't cools if you're notith!" I said using my strange language.

"And your own language of course..."

I got up and gently shoved Luke teasingly so he landed on the couch.

"Gots a problemo with thatith?" I said coming close to him till his legs were around mine. My arms on either side of him as his eyes searched mine.

"Too bad if you do," I said in his ear.

I poked him on the side and jumped off him. He looked a little surprised at first but then he jumped off the couch and gently tackled me to the ground. He softly kissed up my neck and stopped right before he kissed me on the lips and said : " For one, not too bad, and two, you really shouldn't tease people..." 

I flipped us over so he was on the bottom, I kissed the corners of his lips and slid my hand down his chest and said, " Coming from the boy who does nothing but tease?" I asked on eye brow raised and a smirk on my face.

Once again we flipped over and he kissed me on the lips. I don't know how long we just layed there like to idiots on the floor. Never getting bored of the same action. 

We sat down on the couch while Luke put the movie in. I lied down on the couch my hands underneath my head so they could stay warm. Luke picked up my head and before I could protest he lied it down on his lap. I closed my eyes and reopened them. The movie was still at the beginning where they advertise all the different new movies and boring stuff. I looked up at Luke and screamed...

His face was scratched and bloody, two long claw marks were going straight down starting from his forehead over his eyes, on each side of his noise, and on the side of his lips. They continued down his neck, towards his chest and stopped at his stomach. His shirt was ripped and barley there anymore. I stoof there in horror, I tried moving but I couldn't and it felt like someone was putting pressure down on my shoulders, holding me there. I stared at his face, his mouth opening wide as he screamed and screamed, and screamed. He was laying on the floor suddenly, crawling  towards me. His fingernails leaving scratches on the floor. How you ask? I have no clue.. but blood was being left behind from his fingers. I was breathing heavily, thrasing around trying to escape this invisible thing that was holding me down.

"Luke!" I screamed my hand trying to reach his. 

I thrased around my arms waving frantically. I kicked and slapped but it wasn't working. Tears rolled down my cheeks as I felt nails digging into my shoulders. He then looked up at me, with hate in his beautiful eyes. I stopped dead in my tracks.

"You do not care," he whispered, his voice barley audible.

Tears ran down my face faster, and his chest was rising and falling with great effort. His scratched seemed to stretch out further and further. The gashes thickening. He flipped onto his back as he kept his gaze focused on the pale ceiling. That's all he looked at. He as going to die, and he was going to hate me for all eternity.

"I do care!" I screamed finally.

He still never looked at me, but said in a voice full of agony, "YOU NEVER DID, AND YOU NEVER WILL... And anyways, I never loved you, so I really don't give a fuck," he chuckled cruelly and ended up coughing up blood. As it splattered on the creme walls and the tile floor, seeping into the crevasses on the floor. Where I stood a puddle of blood surrounded me. Why is there so much blood?Why??

A knife came flying at me and I narrowly missed it as it stuck in the wall with a soft thud. I looked down, my eyes wide and I saw Luke with his hands in the same position as it was when he threw the knife, at me

"LUKE, PLEASE! I LOVE YOU! NOOO!" Another knife came flying at me coming straight between my eyes as everything slowed.

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