Chapter 2: Old Memories Still Hurt

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Chapter 2: Old Memories Still Hurt

                LUKE’S P.O.V

                I hate lying to her. I don’t like not being able to tell her. I want to marry her… I want to spend the rest of my life with her… I want her to be able to trust me…. But how can she trust me if I never tell her? What if she finds out one day and never forgives me? Only if she knew that it was against the rules to tell anyone….. to tell her… But I love her….

They always say, “Family before anyone,” but they don’t understand that she’s been more of a family than any of them….And one day… hopefully one day soon that is… She’ll be my wife…. Then they will all understand that she has the right to know, that she needs to know in order to survive….

                FAYE’S P.O.V

                We finally reached my house. It was partially made of stone, and than the other half was made with more modern materials. It was that way because one day my Dad accidentally burnt down half the house while trying to cook me dinner…. Mom wasn’t alive so we had to start and find our own way around… It was actually pretty fun…. He was making chicken and some how it caught on fire. I was sitting at the table, as I watched him take it out of the oven and he dropped it because the heat was too much for the flimsy oven mitt. And then “CRASH!”

That was the last thing I heard before the flames illuminated from the floor. Oh, I forgot to mention the chicken was already on fire when he took it out of the oven…. My dads the type of person who can burn water… Yeah… he’s that bad…. But anyways, the fire started to spread and my dad grabbed me and his cell phone and ran outside and called the fire department. And then they came and hosed down the house. Nothing really valuable was on that side of the house anyways, because we were cleaning it all out and everything was on the other side of the house….  

It’s not a very fascinating story to tell, well the way I tell it makes it boring but I think you get the point of why we have a half modern house and half old.

                “Faye?” Luke said staring at me.

                “Mhmm…?” I said still in thought.

                “You’ve got the key to open the door….” He said with a slight chuckle.

Woops… I jammed the key in the door and turned the lock. I walked inside and took off my snow boots almost falling backwards on my butt (Thank god Luke caught me).  And then I took off my jacket, hat, gloves, and socks because I was completely drenched from the cold, wet snow seeping in through my outer clothes.

I looked around my house as I checked to make sure all the windows were locked tightly and the blinds were down. I have this weird obsession where all the shades need to be closed… I think I’m just afraid that someone’s going to stand outside and stare at me without me knowing it…. Eck…I’d be petrified if I saw eyes staring at me through the window when I turned around and then I’d see this smirk and then their smile would grown and I’d see the white of their teeth and their eyes and then they’d break my window and come for me !

“Faye!” Luke said waving his hand in front of me.

“Y-yeah?” I said a little shaken from what I was thinking…

“You okay?”

“Yeah…Yeah I’m fine…” I said softly.

“Well, come on…. While you were standing here zoning out I started a fire,” He said grabbing onto my hand and dragging me into the living room, where, as he said, was a blazing fire.

The room had a large sofa in front of a big window that let you see the forest. A small, beat up recliner was in the corner with a side table and lamp on either side. A flat screen TV rest on the pale green wall, along with smiling-family photos sprawled along the walls. I sat down in front of the raging fire and crossed my legs, wiggling my toes to make sure that I could still feel them. I put my tangled, wet hair in a sloppy pony tail and felt Luke sit beside me.

He grabbed my hand and entwined it with his long fingers that were always so warm. I rested my head on his shoulder, even though it was almost impossible thanks to the major height difference. I watched the fire, the red, orange, and yellow mixing into one, as it enlarged then decrease in size; as it danced around with the other flames, aching to get out of the confines space. I listened to the crackling noise the fire made as the wind outside softly whistled a high pitched song. We sat in silence, just thinking. Mesmerized by the fire…

“Faye…?” Luke whispered.

“Luke…?” I whispered back.

“I love you…” He said resting his head on top of mine.

He grabbed my waist and dragged me closer to him so I sat in between his legs.

“I love you too…” I said, a smile forming on my face.

I suddenly got up, put out the fire, and helped Luke get up. I then grabbed his hand again and walked up the stairs to my room. I let go of his hand and took out warm, fuzzy, pajama’s that Luke had gotten me last winter…. Well… I actually gave Luke’s mom my size… because I was too self conscious to tell Luke…

I walked to my bathroom and felt the cold seep into my bare feet. Tile floor is horrible for a bathroom, especially in the winter. Especially in Maine, where just about all year round is flip flopping cold. I looked in the mirror to see my hair a mess and even more tangled than before. I sighed and went to turn on the shower. I undressed and threw my clothes into the hamper. I then stood in front of the mirror and slowly tried to take out the elastic out without pulling all of my hair out of my head.

“Ouch!” I said loudly.

“Are you okay?” Luke asked immediately.

“Yes! I’m fine!” I said rolling my eyes and smiling to myself.

I did what I had to do in the shower and I got out, and wrapped a warm, fuzzy towel around my wet body. And then put my hair in a towel, then dried my hair with the towel and started to brush it straight. I had long black hair that went almost all the way down my back, with red tips on the ends. The end of my side bangs also had red tips.

I had big brown eyes with thick eyelashes, and a small, cute nose (or so that’s what Luke tells me), plush pink lips, and straight teeth, for the most part anyway. After brushing my hair out, I put it up into a clip and got dressed. I walked out of the bathroom and stopped when I realized Luke wasn’t there.

I began to panic a little, when I heard the door creak open slowly, as my pulse raced in my ears. Then I heard a loud smash and someone silently curse. I started backing into the bathroom when I realized how stupid I was being. Wolves can’t swear….

“Hey… sorry Faye …. About the glass….that I just broke…. By accident…” Luke said looking at me sheepishly.

“Its fine,” I said with a small smile.

Luke put down the tray and went back down the stairs to get a broom and dust pan to clean up the mess. And usually Luke isn’t clumsy…I’ve never seen him trip, fall, or drop anything because, well, Luke’s just magical like that… It’s not far for the less… magical people, like me who can’t walk with tripping to save their lives… Or walk down stairs… Or hold something without most likely dropping it if I’m not paying attention… Yeah, I hate Luke for being so magical! It’s not fair at all! But it is actually really funny when I fall though… Or at least I think so, Luke usually looks upon me with worry and concern, sometimes disapproval, but I know it’s only because he’s holding back a smile and a laugh!

“Be careful of the glass Faye!” Luke shouted from downstairs as I heard him fumbling in the closest looking for what he needed.

“Yes mother!” I said instantly regretting my words as soon as they left my mouth.





“Faye! Open the door!”

“God, I’m such a stupid donkey!” I whispered to myself. 

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