Chapter 5: Remembering is the Hardest Part.

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Chapter 5: Remembering is the Hardest Part

Once again, I stood there peering into the darkend forest. But now I was a little girl, my short curly hair was tucked behind my ears and my hat covered most of my forehead and would sometimes fall in front of my brown eyes that saw only the innocence of the world. I struggled to lift my hat out of my eyes with my hands.

The gloves I wore were a light blue, and made my hands look bulky. My snow pants were black, and were puffyish. My green winter jacket protected me from the snow that came down, spinning and dancing above me like tiny dancers. Each snow flake was different in there own way, each danced differently... I had my hand tilted upward towards the sky. My thick eyelashed covered in snow, as the snow fell softly on my red cheeks and then it melted. My brown eyes didn't move from the sky. 

I layed down in the perfect white snow that covered the ground like a blanket. My foot prints disappearing and being recovered in move snow, like i was never there... THat's what snow's good for. It hides things, coveres them up. Just like it covered that white wold with the piercing brown eyes... Just like it hid all the wolves in the forest... Covered the bare trees, to make it look as the though the whole world was washed of color... Drained of originality.. But beautiful... 

Beautiful until the colors that shouldn't blend with the pure white snow, a color that shouldn't be shed from a body... A color that stains the ground, as it seeps in, it rest there forever. The gray sky, the white snow, and the red blood... It seemed to happen to quickly... Like a dream, a vision, a blink of an eye. I layed there as i just began to notice the crunching of the snow, multiple feet, or now I know was the sound of boys sinking into the deep snow as they walked slowly, cautiously to my body that lay still as my smile was wide and my eyes were closed....

Then the silence was broken, with an ear piercing scream, and the ripping of cloth. I didn't even realize who was screaming, until my throat started to ache and I realized it was me. The screaming seemed to never stop. It was like I didn't know how to stop, I couldn't stop... The continuing ripping sound seemed to echo around me, but now it wasn't my clothes that was ripping, it was my skin.

I was being scratched and bitten as my never ending wail echoed through the sky. I layed there, feeling weaked and weaker. I didn't even know how I was still screaming,  everything hurt and I could smell my own blood as it slid down my arms and legs. The pain was so horrible, so unforgetable. It was like having your skin peeled off you felsh with a knife. Then their warm tounges that dripped with saliva liked my cold, fragile flesh, as they licked slowly savoring the taste... 

Until a shot was fired, and a piercing scream of a woman was heard. As the shot still echoed through the air, and the tension hung heavy in the air. The wolves stopped for a moment and look up as their ear perked, two wolves grabbed hold of my ankles and started to drag my threw the snow back into the forest. The others ran towards the woman. Her blue eyes wide with horror as she tried running to the man with the gun.... He started shooting the wolves, but they were too fast.

They continued to run towards the woman with her black curly hair was wet and covered with snow. Her body was shaking violently. It was the wold with green eyes and chocolate brown fur. He jumped up the air as his front and back paws sprawled outwards, as the snow kicked out from beneath him. His mouth was open wide as his teeth were shown in the dimming light. They were covered with blood and were decayed. His siliva dripped with blood mixed with it.

It all felt like it was in slow motion, my breath was, my breathing was becoming more and more rigid as the wold gained height. Then the wold had his jaws clamped tightly around my mothers neck. Her strangled scream was barley audible. Her hands frantically moved to try and free her neck but the wolf was holding on too tight...

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