Chapter 9: Handcuffs

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Chapter 9: Handcuffs 

Faye's P.O.V

"No!" I said, instinctively raising my hands to wrap around he neck.

"I'll never let you go... even if it's just for a day..." I whispered.

'"I...I'm so sorry Faye... I never should have mated with you... without asking for your permission ... or even telling what I am, what we are... Faye... there's going to be a lot of responsibility.... I'lll be there for your first change... If you want me to be... And I'll introduce you to the pack.... If you don't want to that's fine too.... But... They really want to meet you... They want to say sorry... for what happened.... we were so hungry... We let our wolves take over.... I'll explain this at another time maybe....I-"

"Wait.... why did you say their will be a lot of responsibility..." I asked suddenly realizeing her completely changed the topic.

 "Love...there's um...something.... you should know..." He said hesitating slightly.

"And that would be..."

"I am the soon-to-be.... Alpha. "

"Then that makes me..."

"The soon to-be- Female- Alpha...Yea..." He said rubbing the back of his neck.

"There's something I need to ask you... but I'm not sure it's the best time... Wee I guess for not it's more like telling..."He babbled on, averting my confused gaze.

I arched my eyebrow when he turned to look at me and said, "Are you going to tell me, or am I going to continue to be confused?"

"Well... I'd rather you continue to be confused..." I hit him lightly on the arm as he faked a hurt look.

"Not nice!" I said pouting my lips, trying not to smile.

"Awwww, me sorry! Did I hurt wittle Faye- Faye's feelings?"

"You're so cruel, ya' know that!" I said crossing my legs as I went to sit down on the ground.

He grabbed my waist and sat down and put me in his lap, my back was facing him. He wrapped his arms around my stomach and layed me against his chest.

"I'm sorry love..." He mumbled into my ear as he kissed the side of my neck.

"Can you please tell me what you were going to say?" I said softly.

"Ughh...okayy... We'vegottogetmarriedbeforeItaketheposition...." Luke said talking fast and jumbling all his worlds together.

"I hope you weren't afraid to ask me that because you thought I would say no, because I gave you all of me, and I wasn't planning on doing that till I was married..."

"I didn't-"

"No, let me finish... I know what I was doing, I knew that you weren't using me just to get in my pants. And I'm glad we did it to be honest with you... I knew that we'd be together forever ,hopefully.... So I hope you know whenever you do ask, be prepared for an answer that begins with a "Y"....Cause babe, you're stuck with me forever now..."

Luke's P.O.V

I slowly turned her around and kissed her gently on the lips. Slowly, we kissed over and over again. Just savoring the moment. Every love story says that there is always the electric shock ( I only know this because of Faye and her never ending craving for reading ...) but it's more than that... It's just so hard to explain... It's just a feeling of your heart beat increasing, and your breathcaught and every bone in your body feels relaxed and just everything just everything feels... right. Yeah I may sound cheesy a lot... for a guy... but that's what love does to you... it changes you... Molds you into a better person, she made me a better person. She's the reason for who I am today. She's my everything.....

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