Chapter 15: What Was Thought To Be The End

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Chapter 15: What Was Thought To Be The End.

He just lied there in the bed, with machines hooked up to him, helping him breathe and an IV stuck in his arm. I reached for his hand that rested on top of his stomach.

"Lu-Luke? P-Please W-wake u-up?" I said quietly.

I moved my trembling hand to softly move over his cheek. He still made no movement as tears began to swell in my eyes. His heart was getting fainter. Soon it was to stop all together. The only person I've ever truly loved... My first love, and my last love forever more. The only one that could ever make me have that stupid smile on my face. The only one that could ever make me feel that electric shock... And he was going to be gone... Forever... And soon would I. Leaving my father all alone, now he would've lost his wife and his daughter, how unfair was life?

Tears continued to run steadily now my cheeks as the only sound to be heard was my soft sobs and the beeping of the machines. I lied there for god knows how long. Remembering all the times we had together, all the laughs we shared, all the touched, all the kisses... And never to be able to do that again... never...

His breathing became even slower. His heart beat once again decreased. And I knew there was nothing I could do. My wolf cried with me, mourning our mate that was on the edge of death... On that fine line of life and death that seems to haunt me everyday.

Days went by. I never left though, didn't eat; I rarely got up to use the bathroom. I just sat beside my dying mate's side. He got worse everyday. And everyday I would cry, people came and went into the room. I never paid them much attention even when they offered food. I once in a while took the opportunity to change into new clothes. Hoping that if he woke up I would look some what nice. But I knew that I already had my last time seeing those beautiful eyes. Those eye's I'd never see again and that smile that made me smile.

Never again....

Never again...

Would I get to see that wonderful you....

"Faye..." I heard a weak voice in my head.

"LUKE!" I responded frantically my eyes widening.

"My connection is only so strong my love, but if..if I die, I love you remember that okay? I-"

"You're not going to die! I won't let you!"

"Let me finish my Angel, I love you and if I do wake up completely I want you to marry me on June 2nd, how's that date? Is it good enough? We can make out all the plans and it'll be perfect okay? But if I don't... remember this... You are the Luna of the pack, if anything were to happen... You need to mate with someone else, and run this pack... but please don't forget about me... please my love...."

"I could never forget you Luke, never. And It sounds perfect Luke... perfect... I love you so much..." I was crying harder than before. I buried my face in the crook of his neck.

I was wishing his hand would wrap around mine to comfort me. But I knew it wasn't going to happen I knew that for a fact it was never going to happen... not for a long time.... Not ever....

Then the machines went blank. His heart stopped beating... My mate was gone... And soon so would I be. I felt hands grab onto me and carry me away from him for the first time in days I talked, no I didn't talk ... I screamed for them to let me be by my mates side... just a little longer. Just to see him once last time. I felt myself being lowered onto a couch while someone held me in a tight embrace. I didn't know who it was. All I saw was the people that crowded around him. The swarm of bodies that tried everything they could to save their soon-to-be-alpha. Or what was their soon to be alpha. All the noises stopped. Everything was silent.

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