Chapter 18: Where do we start?

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Chapter 18: Where do we start?

            I stretched my arms wide as the covers slid down onto my lap. Gosh that was one of the best night sleeps I’ve gotten in a while! I yawned loudly and then looked down besides me.


“Oh god women shut up! It’s only what like frickin 5 in the morning!? Go back to bed loser!”

On the side of me was none other than Xavier, who some how ended up in my bed, in the middle of the night and took ALL the bloody blankets may I add! But… He did look adorable with his eyes half open glaring at me and his hair all over the place and of course he was shirtless. I just stared at him for a good minute, and then I could stop myself I just started laughing, first it was just a little giggle until I full on had a laughing fit and then I fell off the bed onto the cold hard wood floors and that didn’t even stop me I continued to laugh.

When I opened my eyes I saw a confused Xavier looking down at me trying to hide the smile that slowly crept onto his face. I gave him a thousand watt smile and he had no choice but to return it.

“I’m afraid to ask what’s wrong because I really don’t want to know the answer,” Xavier said casually.

“Umm... Well… Hey what a minute! You don’t get to ask questions first!” I said standing and pointing a finger at him.

“Why not?” he asked pretending to inspect his nails and act innocent which we all knew he wasn’t.

“Cause’ you are in MY room and you slept in MY bed when you were perfectly fine in your own! What’s wong wittle xavy did you have a nightmare? Aww my poor baby!” I said in mocking tone as I went to go hug him.

“Ha ha ha.” He said rolling his eyes at me.

He still let me hug him them, and he even hugged me back by my surprise. He sighed and I could feel his breath on my hair. I couldn’t antagonize him now! Something was definitely wrong.

I stopped back a little to take a look at his face even though I had to crane my neck upwards to do so, “What’s wrong babe?” I said with a reassuring smile.

“Nothing, don’t worry about it. What we should be worrying about is our game plan. Whoever is doing this has to have people on their side. And I’m guessing not god fearing, follow the rules, kinda people. If you know what I’m hinting at.”

“You... oh no!” I gasped loudly, my mouth in an ‘O’ shape as I put my hands to put lips.

“Oh no! Not ROGUES!” I then pretended to faint and fell against Xavier’s chest with my hand to my forehead.

“Do you always have to make everything so dramatic?” He asked rolling his eyes.

“Oh hell ya I do, what fun would it be if I wasn’t? Maybe the flies and fish at the night club would enjoy my acting!”

“Don’t forget the frog, and the crab, oh and yes the mermaids that are there to!” He said giving me a “are you kidding me” look.

“Don’t be silly,” I said flicking my hand dismissively, “there mermaids AND mermen silly!” I skipped to the bathroom not bothering to look at his expression or wait for an answer and shut the door then turned on the shower.

 Xavier's P.O.V

I swear, the girl needs to find some help, but I have to give it to her she is awfully creative, she makes you forget for a while all the bad things out there is the world that maybe some where there is good that is still alive. And she is that good, I haven’t been this happy in years and never would I have thought that a weird girl like Faye would make me so… so... oh god I can’t believe I’m going to use this word… but...Giddy. 

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