Chapter 12: Saving her

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Chapter 12 : Saving Her .

                I punched him across the face multiple times as he nose broke, you could her the loud crack echo around the room. His lips were busted open. My last punch knocked him to the ground. I kicked him as I heard a couple ribs crack I smiled with satisfaction and knelt down beside him.

                “That’s right b*tch, I’m stronger than you, I am the mate of an alpha and more than you could ever imagine, darling.”

                I kicked him in the head as his eyes started to frantically blink so he could stay awake but in the end his eyes fluttered close. The sucky part is I can’t escape. He had his pack every where. They all knew not to let me escape. It’s one thing to take on one alpha, but a whole pack? Not happening.

                I walked up the stairs as I got curious glances through the pack. Some gave me dangerous looks, ones that said ‘back off he’s mine,’ from numerous amounts of whores that were ‘jealous’. They could have the bastard for all I cared. Then there were the lustful gazes as their eyes raked up and down my body. I mean really, do you mind NOT undressing me with your eyes? A little frickin awkward boys! I lifted my head a little higher and made sure they could see that I was already marked by my real mate.

                “Madame? Would you like me to show you to your room?” I saw a young girl with beautiful curly black hair; she had pale skin and big brown eyes.

                “That would be lovely sweet heart, “I said smiling at her sadly.

                She was dressed in rags, and I’m not even kidding, it looked like someone sewed together a bunch of rags and made her wear it to show that she was the omega of the pack that she didn’t really matter to anyone here.

                “Sweetie, what is your name?”

                “My name is Lane of so that is what Master Jake calls me, my real name is Angela which he thinks I should just forget my old name….” She said keeping her eyes to the ground as she led me through the halls.

                I didn’t notice any of the surroundings I was too focused on the little girl in front of me. As I followed along side of her and watched her every step. She walked with the grace of a dancer as her black curls bounced behind her.

                “I’m going to call you Angel,” I said softly staring intently at the girl that was newly named to what seemed most fit.

                The little girl smiled up at me sadly and replied quietly, “My mommy and daddy use to call me that…”

                “I’m…I’m sorry,” it was the first thing I thought of say after being the girl who was usually apologized to after the death of my beloved mother.

                “It’s alright, you can call me that if you would like. I haven’t seen my parents for years, it doesn’t hurt as much anymore,” she said giving me a weak smile.

                “Okie dokie,” I said trying to lighten the mood.

                She led me to a room that was all blacked… the walls were black, the bed spread was black the couch was black, the carpet was black, and can you guess what every other damn thing in this rooms color was? You guessed it, BLACK! Even the bloody curtains and WINDOWS were black.

                Geesh!  I wanted my room to be black… but I never realized how depressing it would be if my father let me have my way…

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