Chapter 13: Sacrafice

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A/N: You peoples have no idea how much it means to be just to have Bumblebii21 comment and vote and to see WerewolfBadBoy had become my fan ! THANKS PEEPS(: 

Chapter 13: Sacrifice

                “Master Jack! Please stop! Please” The girl screamed as Jake continued to go faster.

                He began kissing her everywhere and touching her, grazing his teeth against her bare skin.

                “She doesn’t want me, so you’ll just have to do you little b*tch!” He screamed in between breaths as he chuckled maliciously.

                “I HAVE TO BE ABLE TO CHANGE THIS! I HAVE TO! PLEASE TELL ME THERE IS A WAY?” A tear slid down Jay’s face.

                He wasn’t afraid to show me how sorry he was. He didn’t even attempt to quickly wipe away the fallen tear from his red cheeks.

                “There’s only one way,” He whispered looking me straight in the eyes as I looked at his eyes for the first time they were sky blue and looked like they were endless as another tear slid down his cheek and sympathy and pity filled those endless eyes.

                My own eyes widened in horror as I understood exactly what I must do. The only way to stop what was happening in front of me… The only way to save Angel from this ever happening to her…

                “Take her place,” I mumbled staring straight at him with what I hoped was a courageous face and not what I truly felt like, running and screaming away.

                “I’ll do it,” I said finally closing my eyes and releasing my clenched fists.

                He gave me a pained expression and nodded his head. We suddenly began to falling to the ground I didn’t really care at the moment. All I knew is what I had to do. And suddenly, everything seemed to go black…

                “Faye, wake up…” I felt someone’s cold small hands shake my shoulders lightly as they hovered closely about me.

                I slowly opened my eyes to dins we were in the room again but Jay wasn’t there. Instead it was Angel who stood above me with a small smile plastered on her beautiful face and concerning filling her eyes.

                “Angel!” I said jumping up and hugging her while I picked her feet off the ground and spun as around.

                “I want you to go to where ever you sleep and stay there! Do you hear me? Don’t come out no matter what! Not unless it’s someone you truest, can you promise me that? Please just do as I say? It’s awfully important,” she gave me a confused look but left anyway, thank gosh.

                10 minutes after, the door swung open, and there in the door way was Jack, his face was completely healed but it seemed that damn smirk was forever plastered on his face.

                “You’re going to pay for that girly,” he sneered.

                “Okay…” I answered simply.

                “Wh…what?” He said taken back.

                “I said ‘okay’,” I replied trying to keep my voice void of emotion.

                “Well I just thought I would let you know if you do not do this, Lane gets something done to her much worse,” He snarled as he stalked closer to me his voice husky as he licked his lips and lust filled his eyes.

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