Chapter 10: Falling

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Chapter 10: Falling

I couldn't even say the words it was... I don't know how the elders would react to this news.... Until I find out, no one must know... no one... I looked over at the alarms clock, it read 6:15....

"Faye!" I shouted shaking her shoulders.

"Your dad..." was all I got out before she got out of bed and ran into the shower. She took 10 minutes that's a shorted shower than I take....

"Go! You need to get into the shower! Oh god, where am I going to hide there? Ah!... I know... wait, crap... Ha! My underwear draw! He wouldn't dare look in there... oh, but what if he does!?" She ranted on... and on... and on...

"Faye?" I said while she still ranted.

"FAYE?" I said a little louder, now she was rambling.

"FAYE!" I shouted as she almsot went into hysteria.

"I'll put in in my car..."

"I hope you do that after you get some clothes on... but okay... If he comes early... put your clothes in the bathroom and bring that too," I found it funny how both of us never say what they really were.

A little while after.... meaning 15 minutes Faye came pounding on the door telling me to move it or she'd throw my outside with no clothes on... We were all set and sitting downstairs on the sofa. I saw Faye flinch as she saw the kitchen... I wonder why?

The TV was just turned on when her father came trudging in through the door covered in snow.

"Hey Dad," Faye said jumping up to help her father.

She helped him take of his hat, gloves, coat, boots and scarf before sending him upstairs to take a shwoer and ordering him to make sure he put his work clothes in the laundry room so she could clean them.

"As soon as your done showering, I'll bring you up some nice, homemade, chicken noodle soup, moms recipe," she said smiling.

You could still see the sad tint in her eyes though, no matter how much time passes, the pain can never completley disspaear... I would know.

"Hello Mr. Greene," I said nodding my head.

"Hey Luke, " He said with a soft smile.

He's always been like a second father to me, even if I am dating his daughter....

"No socializing. Upstairs , now mister!"

"Alright, Alright!" He said putting his hands up in submission.

Faye began to busy herself getting everything prepared. Sometimes I wondered why she even cooked. She hated when men though woman only belonged in the kitchen, or that they were weaked then men... Or any other sexiest thing the male race could think of to insult females.... She was very opinionated on just about everything.... But that's one of the thing I love about her.

Faye Elizabeth Greene, it would sound better as Faye Elizabeth King....

Faye's P.O.V

Faye Elizabeth King... he has no clue how much I want to ahve his last name... Wait, how the hell can I hear his thoughts!?

Luke's P.O.V

I guess I was spaced out for a while considering when I took in my surrondings, darkness was creeping up as the sun set slowly. The sky was tained with beautiful colors like pink, orange, and blue has the humungous glowing ball we call the sun was in the middle of the blending colors.

"I was starting to hink you were sleeping with your eyes open...." Faye said with a small smile.

"Sorry, got lost in thought," I said rubbing my eyes.

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