Chapter 4: Kiss Me Like There's No Tomorrow

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Chapter 4: Kiss Me Like There's No Tomorrow.

I heard the lock clicking, and a pin fiddling inside the key whole. I heard Luke silently swear under his breath when he dropped it...

Where the HEY HEY did he find a flippin pin!? I didn't even know where the pins were!

I heard a click, and I felt like it echoed around the room as my face drained of color. I felt the rug being pushed backwards as the door slid open, and then he quickly slammed the door as soon as his whole body was in. He looked at me, while I stared back as he inched closer and I stood there frozen staring at his beautiful brown eyes...

"Faye..." he whispered gently as his hands grabbed a hold of my waist and he lifted me up onto the counter. 

He kept his hands rested at my sides as he looked me, while i kept my eyes to the ground.  

"Look at me, come on Faye," he said softly.

 My eyes stayed glued to the floor as he slowly lifted his hand up to my chin.

You may think I'm over reacting... but I get embarrassed easily...

"Please, look at me?" he said again, his slim pink lips barley moving.

I slowly lifted my eyes up to meet his, as my breath caught in my throat... He was so beautiful looking... he seemed.... too perfect... I loved his brown eyes.... And his lips....

I'm not really sure what came over me in that moment... But I wrapped my arms around his neck slowly as our eyes went back and forth between watching each others lips and looking up at each others eyes, I bit my lip as I leaned in closer... And slowly our lips met... I had no clue what came over me... but he was just so... God I can't even explain it.... I guess addictive would be a good word... This was actually the first time we've kissed...ever....

Our kiss was soft and sweet, and then it became needy...and more greedy... As our lips moved in synchronization... I wrapped my arms tighter around his neck as my hands reached up to tangle in his short black hair. A low moan escaped from my throat as he spread my legs apart and moved closer towards me as I felt his chest leaning against mine. His long tan arms wrapped around my torso tightly and I could feel every part of his body touching mine. This time, he moaned a very soft, almost inaudible sound. But yet, it was melodic.... I stopped for a minute trying to catch my breath while he did the same... He took my hand, and we basically ran to my room. I slammed the door and locked it. He picked me up and I wrapped my legs around his torso, as he gently leaned me up against the wall careful not to but any of his body weight on me. 

Our kisses increased and got even more needy and fierce as the moans came more often... as he began to trail his lips down my neck... His hands roamed all over my skin as his warm hand went under my shirt as I shivered with pleasure. I bit his lip lightly as our tongues danced inside each others mouths...

"Faye! Faye, I'm home" We both stopped and looked at each other with disappointment and horror.

Luke put me down gently and pushed his shirt down and straight. I looked in the mirror and felt Luke's hands push down my shirt as I felt his hands trail down my sides as I leaned my neck to the side while he kissed my neck gently. I didn't realize my shirt went that high up...I blushed but saw that Luke was blushing slightly too. I combed my hair and put the TV on and sat on the beanbag I had in front of my bed, I sat on the green one and Luke sat on the blue. 

We were going to say that we didn't hear him calling because we had the TV too loud... because we were watching one of my favorite shows.... SPONGEBOB!

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