Chapter 3: You Never Stopped Loving Me

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Chapter 3: You Never Stopped Loving Me

I heard Luke running up the stairs as he banged on my door.

“Faye! Please let me in!”He yelled through the door desperation seeping through his voice.

“NO!” I yelled like a child as I stuffed my face in a pillow trying to muffle my tears.

A silly thing to cry about I know… But even though it’s been years… The pain still haunts me, and every time I even think about it… It …. It just isn’t fair! How come she had to go… why did He have to take her so young…? When I was so young…. He took her from my father and me…. from her own parents whose worse fear was to out live their own child…..

“Faye…. Please…. Love… open the door…..” Luke whispered.

I didn’t reply. Instead I just continued to cry… as I relived that nightmare of that day over and over again… asking the same question… Why did she have to die?

I don’t care if I sound like a child. Not many know what it is like to have someone lost, that you care so much about when you were so young and have to watch them die in front of your eyes. And have to see the pain, right before they go… know that you can not revenge their death, to know that…. You can’t pretend their still here… That they may not be in a better place….

No one knows…. What it’s like to be me… to have my thoughts, my feelings… no one could ever understand….the way I saw my father fall apart in front of my eyes. He never is home because this house reminds him too much of her… I remind him to much of her… I can barley stand to look at myself in the mirror knowing that I cause him pain every time he see’s me….

Nobody knows….. No one will ever know…. Others do not deserve to feel the pain I do… to even know about my pain… I’ve just got to keep…..


“You should know that I’d find a way to get in here,” Luke whispered as he wrapped his arms around my cold body.

“GO AWAY!” My voice was muffled by my pillow.

“No…never,” Luke whispered in my ear sending shivers through my body.

“I don’t know why you can’t cry in front of me, I would never think any less of you… nothing could ever make me think any less of you….. not even if you killed me,” He said.

I laughed but quickly stopped.

“Was that a laugh I heard?”


“You know you’re a horrible liar….”

I felt the side of the bed where he lay go up and I felt cold again. I didn’t move I was a little scared to know what Luke was doing… I mean… It’s Luke after all, only Gosh knows what goes through that boys head…..”

“EEEEEP!” I screamed as I felt Luke above me.

“What are you doinggg!”

“That’s for me to know and for you to find out,” Luke said laughing evilly.

“You know, your evil laugh is more adorable than scary,” Luke flipped me on my back and put his face close to mine.

“You shouldn’t insult my ego like that!” He said making a puppy dog face.

“Awww! You look so adorable! Stopppp doing that! Ohhhh Lukeee!” I said about to break… He looked so adorableee!

“Agh!” I finally shouted as I pushed him backwards and pulled my knees up to my chest and wrapped my arms around them.

Then hid my face so I wouldn’t have to see his cute, adorable, puppy dog face…..Luke could get me just by saying please… Never mind the face! Luke’s arms wrapped my as he pulled me into his chest and rubbed my back. I grabbed his hand and entwined it with mine as I melted into his embrace. I was always so cold…. And he was just so warm…

My eyes began to feel heavy as I closed them and fell asleep with my face flushed from crying and tears stained my face. I awoke sometime around night time, yeah I know not a very specific time…. But I suddenly felt arms wrapped around me and went rigid, then I smelt the familiar smell that I loved and I instantly relaxed.

Luke’s light breathing caressed my cheek as I sniggled quietly and rubbed my eyes trying not to move too much. When I remembered that just about nothing could wake up Luke, I started talking to him, telling him things that I felt but never said enough… or never said at all….

“Luke… I feel as though I don’t say ‘I love you’ enough or I don’t get to be with you enough…. And I halo when you tell me I’m beautiful….and I hope you remember what halo means? Hate slash love… and you lie about the beautiful part too….Anyways….. I sometimes forget what I even look like when I’m with you, I don’t care, just about all rational thoughts are gone and I can’t think of anything but you. And I can’t believe the feelings I get when I’m hugging you or just simply holding your hand…. To be honest I don’t really…. Like people staring at us when we walk by, but sometimes I forget they’re there….. I sometimes can’t even imagine life without you… I sometimes have doubts but that’s because I’m scared… all those people… the people I thought were friends, people who I thought loved me….they left….” I paused for a moment making sure he was still asleep and continued.

“I don’t know… where we’ll end up… but I hope…. It’s me in your arms… This may just be a childish dream…. But I can’t wait to leave here, to go some place where we can be together without anyone knowing who we are, who we once were….. Where I can succeed in my writing career… where you can fulfill your dreams.

I’ve always wanted to adopt kids… Can you imagine all those poor kids growing up in foster homes and orphanages? I don’t know, I’m just rambling on now…I want to be 18 already, so I Can get a motorcycle, and a tattoo, so I can be free… I don’t even know if I want to go to college, or if I just wish we’d hit the lottery and I can just be with you every second of every day….” I sighed and closed my eyes.

“The thing is, I love you, and if I could only speak three words, those would be the ones I would chose…”

Suddenly Luke’s eyes opened and he looked down at me, I was still in the same position I fell asleep in, me laying on his chest our legs wrapped around each other and his arms wrapped around me.

“You heard everything, didn’t you?” my eyes were open wide with horror…

Please say no…Please so no… please say…. Fudge Ducks.

He nodded his head and opened his mouth about to speak. I unwrapped his arms and jolted from the bed. Why run you ask? Because I didn’t want him to actually know any of that stuff! What if that was too much, too fast!? Yes, I worry a lot; I’m a bloody nervous Nelly! What do you expect?

I flung open the door and slammed it shut behind me, leaving a shocked Luke laying in bed with his arms holding him up behind his back. I ran to the bathroom down the hall and slammed the door shut and locked it. My bare feet stepping on to the freezing tile floor.

“Why can’t the floor ever be freaking warm?” I grumbled to myself.

I heard Luke’s yells out in the hall way and his feel hitting the hardwood floor. I froze when I heard him trying to unlock the door. I felt like I was in one of those horror movies where they know something’s coming but they have no where to go…

I turned the shower on quickly and yelled at him from the other side of the door, “I’m taking a shower!”

“That just gives me more of a reason to want to go in there, but nice try Faye,” he said chuckling.

My face flushed a deep red as I ran to the door and tried to barricade my self in. Luke knew how to find a pin and get the door open some how magically! Again!  Another case when he is magical!


Love, Liz<3 

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