Chapter 7

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The next morning I woke up next to Brooke. I'd let her sleep over, because I knew what she wanted and needed was a friend. She was already awake when I opened my eyes. Her hair was messy (probably not as messy as mine though) and she was staring up in the ceiling.
"So I've been thinking..." she spoke.
"About what?" I verbalized with my weak morning voice.
"Yesterday Jack said I should focus on the people who loves me and the people who supports me..." she began.
"Yeah..." I said and sat up. "And?"
"And... I thought about Ryan from psychology class." She said and I was surprised she'd mention him out of all people.
"Uhm... Okay?" I said and laughed confused.
"Well you know, he was on my side all the time. And I should really call him and thank him for like standing up for me and stuff. You know, the punch in the face and all that." She talked as if she was nervous about talking about him.
"B..." I started and looked at her laying there, staring up in the ceiling. I was going to say do you have a crush on psychology Ryan? But I changed my mind, because last time she had a crush, it didn't really work out so well. "I think that sounds like a great idea." I smiled and put my hand on the top of her head.
"You don't happen to have his number? Do you?" she asked and sat up next to me.
"I don't..." I said and jumped out of bed and walked over to my desk. I picked up the catalog, filled with everyone at school's numbers and addresses. I started flipping through it until I found Ryan. "But I happen to have his house number." I smiled and handed her the catalog.
"I think that'll work too." She smiled and reached for her phone on the bedside table. She dialed the numbers and waited.
"Hello this is Brooke Davis." (oth fans; you're welcome) She spoke. "Is Ryan home?" she looked at me nervously and then listened to the voice on the other end.
"Hi Ryan, um, this is Brooke."
"I'm better, thank you."
"That's actually kind of why I called you."
"I just wanted to say thank you for being on my side last night."
"I really appreciate it."
"Tomorrow? Yeah, sure."
"I'll see you then."
Wait. What did just happen?
"Brooke..." I said and looked at her with wide open eyes. She looked at me with the biggest smiled and then said;
"What? He just wanted to sit down and talk about it over a bite to eat." I hit her on the arm.
"Way to go B." I said and laughed.

That week passed by faster than any week had. I guess I was so excited about Jack coming, I totally ignored everything else. Except from Brooke and Jack, of course. Brooke had been hanging out with Ryan a lot, and he was actually a really nice guy. So I knew she was in safe hands now.
On my side of things though... I'd been eating badly. Other than when the school's cafeteria served pizza, I'd been saying no to food all week. I'd also been losing a lot of sleeping hours thanks to Jack and our all-night phone calls. This caused me to fall asleep at class; which brings us back to the very beginning of this story.
Like I said then, I'd accidentally fallen asleep in English class and our professor stopped me and asked if I was okay and I made sure I was, blablabla.
That wasn't the only time I'd fallen asleep. It happened at least once a day. It didn't matter how hard I tried to stay awake, I just couldn't. You know, when your eyes are so heavy that you just close them for a couple seconds and then later find yourself half-asleep. I hated Jack for doing this to me. I mean, I need these grades for college. But on the other hand, I kind of loved him for it.
Alright, Y/N, tonight you will sleep all night. No exceptions. Jack is flying out here tomorrow and you better look like sleeping beauty. I'm not accepting bags under your eyes, no matter how Gucci they are.

Forbidden Safety - a Jack Gilinsky fanfictionDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora