Chapter 25

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I went to the hospital that night. And I stayed there. Jack was in surgery. My mom and Jack's mom was there in rounds but I couldn't move. Once again, I was stuck. I couldn't leave him. I'd already left him once. Not again.
"Y/N, I'll go buy us something to eat." His mother whispered and caressed my arm. I'd picked up biting my nails again, like I'd been doing when I was a kid. I was terrified. Terrified of him being so hurt.
After being in surgery for five hours, a young girl came up to me. She was dressed in blue and white clothes, so I stood up and met her.
"Mrs. Gilinsky?" she asked politely.
"No, I'm Y/N." I said and assumed I had to tell her who I was. "I'm his girlfriend."
"Jack's surgery went perfect. He had a few broken bones and a punctured lung but we've repaired all damages. He will have to stay for observation for a couple of days." She said and smiled at me. She turned around and was ready to walk back the way she'd came from.
"Um..." I said which made her turn back around. "Can we see him?" I asked, as his mother just came back with food.
"Yes. One at a time, though. And family only." She said and walked off. I nodded and looked at Jack's mother.
"You should go be with him." I said and took the food from her hands.
"No, Y/N. He's gonna want you to be there when he wakes up." She said and smiled at me.
"Are you sure?" I asked and looked down at the ground.
"Of course." She said. "Just come get me when he wakes up, alright?" she said and I nodded as a yes.
It was cold in the room he was staying. I carefully walked inside. Just like I used to do whenever I'd been to the bathroom in the middle of the night and didn't want to wake him up. If only this was like that. I sat down on a chair next to him and watched his bruised face. He looked peaceful. Like he was just safe asleep and would wake up any second. Like he'd wake up and look at me with a smile and say good morning with his raspy morning voice. I took his cold hand in mine and held it up so I could kiss it gently. I didn't realize how tired I was until I lay my head down on his bed and closed my eyes.

"I guess it was true." I woke up. My hand was still on his hand. I smiled and sat up straight. I wasn't ready for the tear that found its way out of my eye.
"What?" I smiled and sat on the side of his bed.
"What you said about us only sleeping if we'd be together." He chuckled with his eyes closed. I laughed at him and put my hand to his cheek. He opened his eyes and tiredly looked at me.
"I'm really sorry." I said and frowned.
"Y/N, stop it." He said.
"No but I really am." I said and looked into his eyes.
"I'd take a bullet for you. I'd climb Mount freaking Everest if it would give me another day with you." He said with a raspy voice. "And I'd take these hits and surgery a billion times again if that's what it would take me to be with you forever."
Never had anyone ever made me feel so special. I'd never been loved the way Jack loves me and I'd never been so infatuated with someone before.
"Stop being such a Casanova when I'm supposed to feel bad for what's happened to you." I said and hit him lightly on the arm while trying to hide the smile on my face. He laughed and looked into my eyes. And to be honest, I could just sit there for an eternity.

Forbidden Safety - a Jack Gilinsky fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now