Chapter 15

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My legs were shaking as the policeman walked over to our car. My palms were getting sweaty and I thought about what we could've done. Nothing popped into my mind. This road didn't have any stop signs, traffic lights or schools around.
"Hello officer." Jack said as the cop leaned down to look inside the car. He looked at me and then at Jack.
"License?" he asked without a care in the world. Jack fished up his license and handed it over to the cop. He looked at it and then picked up a phone from his pocket. He dialed a number and left us hanging. When someone answered, he mumbled a series of numbers.
"What is he doing?" I whispered to Jack.
"I don't know." he said nervously and took my hand. My legs were still shaking and I begged to God that nothing was wrong. After a minute, the cop leaned back down.
"I'm gonna have to ask you to step out of the vehicle." The older policeman said and opened the door for Jack, who stepped outside just like he was told. I nervously opened the door on my side and stepped outside.
"May I ask why, sir?" I asked friendly with a hint of anger in my voice.
"Your boyfriend here was driving faster than the law allows on this road. I would've let it go if it weren't for the warning he already has on his license. According to the law, I have to take him to the station." He said and led Jack into the police car. "I'm just doing my job, Y/N." he said and nodded at me. All the policemen down at the station knew who I was because of dad, but that didn't exactly mean that we were "buddy-buddies". I watched them drive away and was left alone.
"What the fuck." I said angrily and got into my car to follow them to the station.

An hour later...

It was 4.12 when Jack finally walked into the waiting room. He looked exhausted.
"Are you okay? What did they say?" I asked and hugged him carefully. He hugged me back and then quietly said;
"They're letting this one go. One more warning and I'll lose my license." He said and I could see he wasn't happy. He had a frown on his face and it looked like he just wanted to disappear.
"Let's get you back home." I said and put a hand on his back. We walked out to the car and I drove him back to the hotel he was staying at.
"Are you going to be okay now?" I asked as we were standing outside of his hotel room.
"Yeah. I'll just get some sleep. I'm used to this." He said and smiled, even though it was a fake one.
"Yeah... I'll let you sleep and we'll catch up in the morning." I said and gave him a hug. He held on for longer than usual. As I let go, I looked up at him with a smile.
"I love you." I said quietly. He smiled at me and it was as if everything that happened just disappeared.
"I love you too babe." He said and kissed me before closing the door. I left with a smile on my face because no matter what happened, he had that effect on me.

Jack's p.o.v.

Seconds after Y/N left, there was a knock on the door.
"Y/N I promise I'll..." I said but stopped myself when I saw who was standing outside my door. "Oh... Mr. Y/L/N. What's up?" I asked and looked around to see if Y/N was there too. She wasn't.
"You know. When I get a phone call in the middle of the night from the station, I usually don't get worked up. But when it's about my daughter, I'll tell you; I was a bit worried. I went down to the station and found out that she was in no harm and that you were the one who was arrested." He began and looked at me with a look that could kill. "Mr. Gilinsky, I might've bailed you out, but everything has its price son." he said with a dark voice and I feared what would come next.
"And what's that sir?" I said and gritted my teeth.
"Leave my daughter and go back to where you came from. I want the best for my little girl, and to get that; I can't have her running around with you." He said with anger in his voice. "If I see you around again, I'll personally make sure you get arrested."

And I'm pretty sure, right there and then, was when my relationship with Y/N would get 100% more difficult than it already was.

Forbidden Safety - a Jack Gilinsky fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now