Chapter 16

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I woke up around 12.15pm the next day. I'd slept in the same clothes I wore yesterday, and without changing, I walked downstairs and filled a tumbler with coffee before leaving the house. I didn't redo my makeup nor did I brush my hair or teeth. I started the car and put the mug in the mug holder. Sunday traffic was worse than usual and it took me 40 minutes to get to Jack's hotel. By that time, it was 1pm and I thought it'd be the best time for some take out for lunch. So before going up to his room, I went and bought a bit of Chinese food at the take-away just around the corner. I paid and walked back to the hotel. And the clock ticked away to 1.15pm.
"Hi." I said to the receptionist with a cheery voice. She smiled at me and replied with the same greeting. I let the elevator bring me up to his floor, even though I hated the elevator music and the huge cliché mirror. As I got to the fourth floor, I walked down the long hallway all the way over to room 309, which was his room. I knocked on the door and waited for him to open. He didn't. I knocked again but no. Nothing.
"Jack?" I asked loudly so he would hear me in case he was in the shower or still asleep. Still no response. I knocked again and then gave up. He must've gone for a walk or something, I thought. I took the same elevator down to the reception and walked over the tiled floor on my way outside.
"You missed him by like 10 minutes." The brunette receptionist said and looked up at me from under her glasses.
"Jack?" I asked, surprised she knew I was there for him.
"Yeah." She said and caught my interest.
"You don't happen to know where he went?" I asked.
"Oh..." she said and looked at me with a worried look.
"What?" I asked, scared of what it was.
"He checked out." She said and I was left shocked. "He had his bag and everything. He said something about having to leave earlier than expected." She continued and looked at me. "Please don't tell me he didn't tell you?" she begged.
"Not exactly." I said and felt as if my heart was crushed. Like someone ripped it out and jumped on it until there was nothing left. Ten minutes? If I'd just skipped buying Chinese, I'd been there before he left. Was this because of what happened yesterday? He knows I don't have a problem with him being involved with the police. I know what I got myself into when I started talking to him. I knew he was bad for me, but I didn't mind. I love him. He couldn't have gone home, could he? He said he was going to stay for another week. 10 hours are not a week.
"Where the hell are you, Jack?" I whispered to myself, not really knowing if I was upset, angry or worried.
I drove back home and ran straight up to my room. I picked up my phone which I'd forgotten, and watched the screen. No notifications. No calls. No texts. No anything. He could've at least called me... I unlocked it and dialed his number. Beep after beep, but no answer. I left him several voice messages. 30 minutes passed by and he still hadn't called me back. I called Brooke.
"Wait... So he's just gone?" she asked confused after I told her.
"I don't know. Shit for all I know he could be dead right now." I said and walked back and forth in my room.
"Just stay calm, Ryan is calling every hospital in New York right this second. If he's hurt, we'll know." She said and then continued with; "Y/N, there's gotta be more to the story. There's no way he'd just leave you." She said.
"I don't know Brooke. Maybe he just didn't like the real version of me as much as he did the cyber version of me." I said and felt like I wanted to cry. Because right there and then it really felt like he'd gone back home.
"Listen to me. That boy, the boy I met yesterday, was so in love with you. The real you. There's no way he could've faked the way he looked at you all night." She said which made me feel a bit more confident he hadn't left. "And if he did leave, then I have some serious business to discuss with him. Because he promised me he wouldn't hurt you. And I take promises more serious than anything."
I love Brooke for trying to make me feel better... But all I could think about was that there was a big possibility that he'd left forever. And that was a thought I wasn't okay with. But my thoughts were interrupted by reality and I heard a knock. Not on my door, but on my window. I turned around and was frightened when I looked outside.

Forbidden Safety - a Jack Gilinsky fanfictionDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora