Chapter 13

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The next morning, I went over to Jack's hotel. I was so excited about showing him around town that I'd barely slept during the night. The fact that he was here? Still surreal.
He opened the door dressed in a black t-shirt and a pair of grey jeans. He had a smile on his face and his hair was messy, yet on point. He looked at me up and down, and then bit his lip.
"I could really get used to seeing this every day." He said with a smirk and grabbed my cheeks for a quick peck on the mouth. I smiled and dragged him out from his hotel room.
"So what has my girl planned for today?" he said as I pulled him with me in the long hallway.
"You'll see." I said playfully and looked at him over my shoulder.
I took him on all kinds of adventures. First, we went to Central Park for a picnic-breakfast. Well, it was more of a "make-fun-of-everyone-who-walks-by" type of breakfast. After that, I took him to see some of the places I used to love as a kid. The day contained a lot of kissing, hugging and constant hand holding. We didn't see ourselves as the "cute couple" but for some reason we still acted like one. I mean, we're best friends. Best friends who just happens to kiss each other here and there.
After going to the movies to watch some new action movie (we didn't watch it, we threw popcorn at the people in front of us and shouted out what was going to happen next as we'd both seen the movie before), it started to get late.
"So..." he said and threw his arm over my shoulder as we walked out from the movies. "What's next on the day order?"
"Well aren't you awfully curious?" I laughed and put one hand on the one that was on my shoulder and the other around his back.
"Hey, I'm just making sure you won't drug me and dump me in the Hudson River." He laughed.
"If there's one thing I can assure you I won't do, it is to dump you in the Hudson River on our first date." I said and looked up at him.
"Our first date huh?" he said and smiled down at me.
"Well... Oh. I just thought..." I said a bit insecure. What if he didn't see this as a date?
"I'm kidding." He laughed with his perfect smile and I could see a glimpse of happiness in his eyes. I smiled out of relief and leaned my head against his chest.
"No but really." He said. "What's next?"

Jack's p.o.v.

She still hadn't told me where we were going next. All I knew, was that we were going to visit someone very special. She stopped the car outside a quite big, white house.
"Are we visiting the king?" I asked and laughed jokingly as I stared at the house.
"The queen actually." She replied jokingly and nodded for me to get out of the car. I did as I was told and followed her. We walked over to the red door which was placed on the white house. She opened the door as if she lived there herself. I gave her a questionably look when she turned around to let me in.
"Are we breaking and entering?" I whispered, just in case we were.
"Don't be silly." She said and walked further inside. "Brooke?" she shouted and I realized where we were. I could hear how someone came running down the stairs.
"Y/N?" I could hear the same voice I'd heard over the phone last week.
"There's someone here who'd like to say hi." Y/N said as Brooke appeared from around the corner of the stairs. She looked at me and her jaw kind of dropped.
"Oh my God." She said surprised. Wait? Didn't she know I was coming? She walked up to me and gave me a hug.
"I knew you were coming but I never thought you'd actually come." She laughed and let go of me.
"It's good finally meeting you." I said and smiled at her. I tried to see if she was genuinely happy or if she, somewhere behind that smile, hid a frown.
"Same about you." She said. "Come on, Ryan is upstairs. I have some thanking to do." She smiled at me and then at Y/N.
"She's been wanting to thank you for every minute of the day since last week." Y/N whispered as we walked upstairs. "I hope you don't mind."
"Of course I don't." I smiled and put my hand on her back. "I'm glad I could help that night."

Forbidden Safety - a Jack Gilinsky fanfictionOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz