Chapter 17

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I wasn't supposed to be scared of him. But in that moment; I was.
His hair was all wet and somewhere far behind him, a lightning struck. Thunder was heard and it was as if we were placed in the middle of a scary movie. I didn't quite like this version of him. Even though I knew he was still the same version as before; this was the first time I'd realized what kind of version he actually was. He looked angry; angry at the point of dangerous. I slowly hung up on Brooke and walked over to the window. I wasn't sure if I wanted to open or let him stay out there. I mean, he did disappear for an entire day without telling me where he went. But somewhere in the danger of those eyes, my knees got weak for the exact same reason as they had before. I opened the window and backed up. He didn't say anything, just stood there and watched me.
"Where did you go?" I silently spoke.
"I can't stay, Y/N." he said. "Your dad knows everything about my history. He's going to kill me if I come near you."
As he said those words, I knew what was going on. And I realized that he didn't look dangerous or angry; I'd just never seen him afraid.
"He can't separate us. No one can." I said and walked up to him; the window still between us. I put my hands on his cheeks. "I won't let my ignorant father tell me who I can or cannot love."
"But I can." He said and I heard how his voice got weaker as if this was his goodbye. "I'm sorry, Y/N." he said and backed away from my hands. Looking at him balancing his way down from the roof, I was sure what I was going to do next could either break me or make me. And I was hoping to God it would make me, as I ran off to get a hoodie from the chair in my room. I jumped out of the window and carefully closed it behind me so my parents wouldn't hear me. They were probably making dinner at this time; and sooner or later they'd come up to my room to make me eat with them. Only thing; I wouldn't be there when they would.
I jumped down on the ground and let my bare feet touch the wet grass. It started to get darker than the cloudy sky had already made it. I spotted Jack running towards a cab a few houses down.
"Jack!" I shouted which caught his attention. My hair had already gotten wet and I regretted taking a hoodie which would take hours upon hours to get dry. "You can try and leave me but I won't stay back and let you go without a fight." I said as I got closer to him. He didn't response. Just stood there; watching me through the rain. Until he took a few steps closer to me and let our lips collide. Something about the fear and forbidden feeling; made the kiss better than anyone we'd shared.
"Are you sure about this?" he asked as he stopped the kiss. He had his hands covering my cheekbones and his fingers laced up to my ears. His dark eyes stared with intensity into mine and I'd already thought about my answer. I nodded and let him know that I was sure.
"I love you." I said and took his hand, as they left my face.
"I love you too." He whispered and pecked my lips one more time before pulling me into the cab.
I didn't care if dad were to send every cop in the city of New York to find me. Even though I knew I was putting Jack in danger by coming with him; I was sure about my decision.

Forbidden Safety - a Jack Gilinsky fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now