Chapter 4

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I told her everything about him. How we met via Twitter (awkwardly enough). How he'd told people about me, but I'd only told Brooke. How he'd been in trouble more times than I could count. But also how he was the cutest guy I'd ever met.
"So is it hard?" Brooke asked.
"Not being able to see someone you like that much?"
"Yeah... I want to be with him so bad." I said and I felt how my heart got a big hit.
"Do you think, maybe, possibly... you could be falling in love with him?" Brooke asked slowly. I thought about my answer for a while, but my heart had already answered. I nodded and got met by a smile.
"Aw Y/N..." Brooke said and hugged me. "Well. I can't wait to talk to this Jack Gilinsky guy." She smiled and put her hands on my cheeks. "But right now... I HAVE A DATE WITH ETHAN IN LESS THAN AN HOUR." She started shouting. I laughed and stood up.
"First off, it's not a date. It's a party. Other people will be there. Second, you should wear this..." I said and held up a dark blue dress in front of her. She stood up and took it in her hands.
"This is perfect." She said and looked at me. "Are you sure?"
"Yeah. Take it." I smiled.
30 minutes later, she was ready. Dressed in the dress I'd picked out, with her hair in curls and her face hidden under a bit of make-up.
"Holy shit." She said.
"What?" I asked as I was on my way to walk out from my room to give her a ride to the party.
"Y/N, I can't go alone. You have to come. Please please please please." She begged. I didn't want to go. I wanted to stay in and wait for Jack's phone call, which would be in 20 minutes. But seeing her that scared for going to a party alone... I couldn't leave my best friend at the edge.
"Ugh. Fine. Give me ten minutes." I sighed and looked at her frown turn into a smile.
"Thank you thank you thank you." She said and walked outside after giving me a hug. I changed into some black dress I'd bought on sale a few weeks ago, and dressed it up with a pair of heels.
And then we were off to the party.
I could hear the loud music blocks away. I'd parked the car outside my cousin's house, because if I came home with a messed up car... I'd get killed. So this meant, we had to walk a couple blocks.

There weren't a lot of people outside. Probably because this was a family-neighborhood. We walked on heels, trying not to break any bones, and it took us about 10 minutes to get to the house. Ethan might not have the classiest, most expensive style... But that didn't mean his family was poor. They were actually the complete opposite. Ethan moved here from the UK with his parents a little over 2 years ago. He didn't exactly have any problems fitting in: seeing he looked the way he did (still does).
"Do I look okay?" Brooke asked nervously and stopped. That's a stupid question for her to ask, because she's probably the hottest girl at our school. I looked at her, and calmly said;
"You look gorgeous." Which made her feel better and walked a bit more confident towards the door. People were hanging outside, but all of them were already drunk and probably thrown out. I opened the doors without knocking and let Brooke walk in first. The music that had been loud three blocks away, became head-achingly loud as we walked inside. After a few seconds, I think we got used to it.
"Brooke!" we heard a voice from somewhere. I looked around into all of the rooms. They were stocked with dancing and drinking people. I looked back at Brooke, who'd already found the person shouting her name. She was walking towards a group of people, containing Ethan and a few guys from the men's soccer team. I let them be alone, and instead walked over to the table filled with things to eat and drink. I poured up some smelly liquor in a red plastic cup. I took a sip and wasn't surprised that it tasted worse than it smelled. I walked further into the house. It was crowded, so I had to dodge a few dancing, sweaty people.
Well this'll be fun... I thought to myself while I walked up the stairs in hope that it'd be calmer up there. The house was surprisingly sound deadening, so the music was mainly just base upstairs. I took a left turn and got the choice of two doors. One of them was half way opened, and I could see in. It was a bathroom. Well I wasn't in the need of a bathroom at the moment, so I chose the closed door. I slowly opened it and peeked inside. It seemed to be a bedroom. I walked inside and looked around. I could feel my heart beating at the same pace as the music as I walked further inside the room. It looked like it was a guy's room. The weird thing though; was that I'd seen Ethan's room before, like on his snapchat, and it looked nothing like this. I walked over to a drawer, on which a few frames were standing. I took one in my hands and saw a photo of Ethan and another guy. The guy was holding his arm around Ethan's shoulders and smiled big. He was wearing a US military uniform and that's when I figured out who it had to be. But I didn't even know Ethan had a brother...

Forbidden Safety - a Jack Gilinsky fanfictionWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt