Chapter 3

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Brooke picked me up the next morning. It was Friday; which meant first period was Volleyball. We were sitting in the car, listening to loud music in our sporty outfits. We were both wearing shorts, and t-shirts and had our hair in high ponytails. In that moment, while listening to Disconnected, I thought about telling her. I was convinced. It was time.
"Brooke..." I said and lowered the music so she would hear me. "There's something I need to tell you." She looked at me from her place behind the wheel and then back on the road.
"What's up?" she asked and parked the car on the school's parking lot.
"So, a few weeks ago..." I started saying but was cut off by a knock on the window. Brooke turned around and looked outside. It was Ethan. Brooke looked at me in shock and then rolled down the window. She had a major crush on him.
"Hello girls." He said. Ethan is by far the hottest guy at the school. He has dark hair and brown eyes, which just happened to be both mine and Brooke's weakness. And on top of that, he had the best style you could ever imagine. It wasn't an expensive style, just like a chill and cool style. Like he could literally wear a white t-shirt and look absolutely drop dead sexy.
"Hi." Brooke said and smiled. I nodded as a hello. Not that he was talking to me... I mean, he was all into Brooke. And besides, I had Jack. He was the only one I could think about.
"So... Are you coming to the party tonight?" he asked with his British accent and looked at Brooke.
"Me?" she asked and I almost face palmed. No the fucking donkey in the backseat Brooke.
"Yeah." He laughed with his perfect smile. Brooke looked at me with a questioning look. Like she asked me if she should say yes or no. I raised my eyebrows as a "hell-fucking-yes-you're-going". She turned around again and looked at Ethan.
"Uh, yeah of course." She smiled. I looked out my window and tried to hide the fact that I was laughing at how nervous she was.
"Great. See you tonight then." He smiled and looked her in the eyes.
"See you tonight." She said and rolled the window back up as he walked away. She slowly turned around to me and I didn't know if she was about to laugh or cry. So I just started laughing. So did she.
"Tell me that did not just happen." She laughed and held a hand over her mouth.
"Really?" I said and laughed. "Are you seriously shocked?" I asked.
"What do you mean?" she asked and stopped laughing.
"Oh come on! He's totally into you." I said and opened the door to get out.
"No he's not. Is he?" she asked as I got out. Before closing the door behind me, I said;
"He's so into you I can't even see him anymore, B."

After school, I asked Brooke to come with me home. She accepted the offer, but only because she wanted to borrow a dress for the party tonight. And I thought that'd be the perfect time to tell her about Jack.
I sat on my bed among all the dresses Brooke had thrown out of my closet. She was trying on a black dress, as I picked up the conversation.
"So... About what I was going to talk to you about earlier today." I said and she looked out from behind the closet doors.
"Yeah?" she asked.
"7 weeks ago..." I began and she disappeared again. "I started talking to this guy." She came back just as quick as she'd disappeared.
"What did you just say?" she said in a high pitched tone. I smiled as she quickly sat down next to me on the bed.
"You heard me." I said. "I started talking to a guy." I smiled.
"And does this guy have a name? I mean, where does he live? Do I know him? How old is he? O-o, is he hot?" she question-bombed me and excitedly took my hands. Okay, this is where it was unsure. Would she hate him, or would she like him?
"His name's Jack." I started and she looked at me with excited eyes. "He's 18 and he lives in LA..." I said slowly. She looked at me with wide opened eyes.
"Way to go Y/N." she said and looked at me like she was proud. "So? How did you meet? I wanna know everything." She said and jumped up and down in the bed.
Thank God she doesn't seem to hate him so far.

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