Chapter 53

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"You took a potion from Zeref?! And then gave it to all of us?!" Lucy screamed after Natsu explained everything. "What were you thinking?!"

"Well to be fair when I gave it to you girls I didn't think it would actually work. I was certain all it would do was give you blue tongue but obviously I was wrong."

"I said this once before and I'll say it again because it is the truth. There can't be anyone dead or alive less intelligent than you!"

"Lucy will you keep you voice down." Gray said. "Remember Wendy isn't the only one who can hear us anymore."

"Sorry but I just can't believe this. This is an all new low of stupidity for him."

"Why are you so freaked about this?" Natsu said. "We're alive again. Isn't that a good thing?"

"No it's not because this is against nature. It's wrong. We're supposed to only have one life and that's it."

"It's not permanent you know."

"It isn't?"

"Nope. My brother's potions are never permanent." He pulled the empty bottle from his jacket and read the label. "Says here that this potion lasts til midnight. So tonight at twelve o'clock we all turn back into rotting corpses."

"You're sure?"

"Hey if you don't believe me read the label yourself."

She took the bottle from him and read the label.

"Alright I feel much better now. But what are we supposed to do til midnight? We can't let anyone see or hear us."


"Why? Let's think about that for a minute shall we? Why? How about the fact that we live here and if her parents find us up here they'll freak, ask a lot of questions which may result in Wendy being forced to reveal our secret which will lead to a lot of trouble."

"I know why we can't let her parents see or hear us but why not anyone else? They don't know us, they don't know we're dead, we can go out in public without spooking anyone."

"I think that's too risky and that we should just stay out of sight."

"You can do that but I've got taste buds again lady. You know what that means? It means that until midnight tonight I can eat food and actually taste it. I can also smell and really touch. This is a golden opportunity that I am not going to waste."

"Gray help me out here, tell him that he's crazy."

"Well actually Lucy and I never thought I'd say this." Gray said. "But I sort of agree with Natsu on this one."


"The thing is one of the few memories I managed to recover from the far reaches of my mind is that I used to enjoy eating caramade franks and I do miss the taste very much."

"So you think we should leave the house and let ourselves be seen?"

"There's really no harm in it provided we don't let Wendy's parents see us and this could prove very useful to us."


"We're trying to figure out who we are and how we died. We've never been able to do that before because we were dead and no one alive could answer any questions we had. Now the living can see and hear us so they can answer."

"That's what I was thinking." Wendy said. "Which reminds me I did manage to get some information while I was with my uncle."

"What did you find out?" Juvia asked.

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