Chapter 30

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When Wendy finally got around to asking her parents if they could use the house for a Halloween party they weren't sure how to answer.

"I don't know sweetie." Erza said. "It seems like a lot of work. All that cooking and decorating and then cleaning it all up."

"But that's the thing Mom you and Dad won't have to do anything. My friends- I mean the school will take care of everything. The catering, decorating, the clean up, it'll all be done by the school." Wendy half truthed.


"Yes. All the school needs is your permission to allow the party to be held here."

"Still I don't know...Jellal what do you think?" She asked her husband.

"Hey if I don't have to clean up it's alright with me." Jellal said. "But no getting hanky panky with boys."

"No problem. What does hanky panky mean?" Wendy asked.

"Oh...Um...Erza did you ever have that special talk with her?" He asked his wife.

"I...I meant to but it slipped my mind." Erza said blushing.

"Talk to me about what?" Wendy said.

"I'll tell you about it some other time. It's not important right now. Anyway if the food and everything else is taken care of then you can have the party here."

"Thanks!" She cried cheerfully. "I can't wait to tell everyone at school."

"Speaking of which we better get a move on." Jellal said before finishing up his coffee.

After that he took his daughter to school. She got to class real early so she could tell Miss Strauss about her offer.

"That's not a bad idea." She said. "I'll have to see what the students think but if they agree I'm sure I can convince the school board to move the party to your house."

"Thank you Miss Strauss."

"Of course I'll have to speak with your parents on the matter."

"How come?"

"Well I need to make sure that there are certain conditions that'll be met. Such as proper catering, appropriate activities and entertainment, that the party will be chaperoned."

"Oh..." Wendy said realizing her miscalculation in this plan.

"Yes. Now I'm sure your parents have all of those figured out I just need to make sure. It's mandatory and it's to ensure the safety and welfare of the guests. How about this weekend your parents meet with me to discuss this?"

"Okay." Wendy said trying to hide the panic inside of her.

"Tomorrow morning at nine?"

"Sure. They'll be there."

"Good. Now get to your desk, class will be starting in five minutes."

Now Wendy was in a lot of trouble. If her parents talked to her teacher then they would find out she lied about who would be providing for the party and it would raise a lot of questions. Questions that she couldn't answer.

"This is bad." Wendy said to her ghoulish friends. "This is very, very bad. If my parents find out I lied not only will I be grounded for life but they'll ask me a lot of questions and eventually I might have to tell them about you four."

"Don't panic! We can fix this." Natsu said.


"Commit suicide?" That earned him a bash on the head from Gray. "Ow! What was that for?!"

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