Chapter 5

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The present 1987

"And ever since then the four of us have lived in that empty flat of the house for a century. No one else has lived here except us." Juvia said. "That is until you and your parents moved in. And I'm so glad you did, I can't remember the last time I talked with a living human. I do hope you're comfortable here, did you like the doll I gave you?"

"That was you who gave me the doll?"

"Yes. You looked so disappointed when you arrived here I decided to give you a present to cheer you up. Did you like it? I made it myself."

"Made it? You actually made that doll?"

"Oh yes I'm very good at sewing and stitching. Which comes in handy when I have to re dress my stitches. It's a very irritating process but it keeps my body in check."

"Well I'm a little too old for dolls but it is pretty cute. Thank you."

"You're welcome."

"So if I may ask how many of you are there?" Wendy asked. "I mean how many ghosts are living in this house? Is it a lot of them?"

"We're ghouls not ghosts and there's only four of us. Would you like to meet my room mates?"

"Are they mean?"

"Oh no. Not at all. Though Natsu and Gray do like to frighten people but once you get to know them they're just as nice as pie."

"I guess if they live there I should meet them."

"Wonderful. Now hang on."

"To what?"

Juvia then levitated both herself and Wendy back into the broken window of the room.

"How are you doing that?" Wendy asked her.

"Some ghouls and ghosts have powers. Mine are flight, levitation, and telekinesis."

"Do the others have the same powers?"

"No they're powers are different from mine but they're equally as strong. Alright everyone come out, it's time to meet our newest house mate."

At once the three ghouls came out from the shadows. Natsu was the one she saw clearly first and he's appearance scared the twelve year old girl. 

"A monster!" She cried hiding behind Juvia.

"Only to bugs and unmarried women honey, never to children." Juvia giggled. "Wendy this is Natsu. Say hello Natsu."

"Whoa so she can actually see us?" Natsu asked waving his hand in front of her.


"That's awesome. Hey kid you have no idea how annoying it is to be ignored by everybody."

"I wish I could ignore you." Lucy mumbled but then she gave Wendy a smile and said in a sweet voice. "Hi I'm Lucy and handsome over here is Gray."

"It's very nice to meet you young lady." He introduced. "You and your family seem like decent people. I do hope you enjoy living in this fine establishment."

"So do any of you remember being alive?" Wendy asked.

"Nope." Gray said.

"Uh-uh." Lucy said.

"Negatory." Natsu said. "We just spend our days hanging around this house, taking a few trips to the netherworld, scaring the crap out of people. That sort of thing."

He spotted a nearby bug on the ground, he quickly grabbed it and popped it into his mouth as if it was a piece of candy. Everyone looked at him in disgust.

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