Chapter 57

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When Wendy left the shop she bought five caramde franks and brought them back to share with her friends. All four of the temporary revived ghouls savored each and every bite of their lunch. It had been so many years since either one of them had really tasted food. It was an experience that they had missed for too long.

 As soon as they finished their meal, Wendy told them about the portrait and then took them to the shop so they could get a first hand look. 

"It does look like me." Juvia remarked. "But I can't remember ever being called Melanie."

"And this doesn't really look like an authentic antique painting." Gray said. "Something about it appears a little modern."

"Even so if we find out more about the artist then we might get something on who Juvia was." Wendy said. "Let's go find the painter's descendant and see what he knows."

They took a bus to the other side of town where Reedus Jonah's art class was. Luckily he had just finished up on his last class for the day and shouldn't have been too busy.

"Reedus Jonah?" Wendy called out to the man preparing to lock up his classroom.

"Yes." He said.

"Are you busy at the moment?"

"Not as far as I know."

"My name is Wendy Fernandes. My friends and I would like to talk to you about a painting. One that an ancestor of yours might have painted. Enrico Jonah?"

"Oh him. Yes my great, great, great, great, great, grandfather was remarkable artist. His most famous works are on display at many museums."

"Yes and I just saw one that was for sale at a shop."

"Oh no none of his paintings are for sale. What you probably saw was a copy I made. The art teaching business sometimes get's a little slow so I'll retrace and repaint copies of my ancestor's work which I'll then sell to be sold at other stores and shops. But he gets all the credit of course."

"I knew it wasn't an original." Gray mumbled.

"But is he the artist who painted a portrait of Melanie de Ravin?" Wendy asked.

"Melanie de Ravin now there's a name I know very well." Reedus said. "It was my ancestor's first successful painting. The one that really made him well known."

"We were told that he kept notes on some of the people he painted. Did he have any on Melanie?"

"He did."

"Would you mind sharing them?"

"I don't know. With all due respect, I don't feel comfortable showing my ancestor's private notes to strangers." 

"We completely understand." Natsu said. "But Juvia here happens to be a direct descendant of Melanie."

"She is?"

"See for yourself."

He pushed Juvia forward and allowed him to get a good look at her. The artist was amazed and astonished by the resemblance. Every detail of her physical appearance was completely on tact with that of the woman in the painting.

"Wow. She's identical."

"Yes and she's aware of that which is why she wants to know a little about her ancestor." Natsu said. "But there's no information regrading her anywhere. Hence why we would like your help."

"I guess I can understand but..." He looked skeptical for a moment. "Are you sure that she's a direct to descendant?"

"You see the family resemblance don't ya?"

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