Chapter 19

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Wendy found it hard to sleep that night because she was so excited about tomorrow. If only morning would come faster. Time never seemed to move at the speed you wanted it to go. She was finally starting to doze off when she heard a creaking noise coming from above. At first she thought that she was just imaging things until the creaking noise started to get louder. Fearing that it might be something super natural she got out of bed, slipped on her dressing gown, and crept out of her bedroom. 

When she entered the hallways she could hear the creaking noise better and she could also hear the sound of her mother snoring as she slept in the master bedroom and the sound of her father taking a late night call. But the creaking noise was much more important to her and just as she suspected, she heard it coming from the flat where her undead friends lived. She opened the door and went upstairs where she knocked on the door of the first apartment which was answered by Lucy.

"Wendy what are you doing up?" 

"Sorry to bother you but I kept hearing strange noises. I thought maybe something was wrong."

"What kind of strange noises?" 

"A creaking noise. Like someone was trying to sneak in."

"Really? Hmm...I'll go get Juvia and the boys and we'll investigate."

The four ghouls started to look around their flat for any sign of anything or anyone supernatural who didn't belong. They found nothing. No they did find something, they found some strange ooze coming from a crack in the wall.

"What is that?" Wendy asked.

"Ectoplasm." Gray said. "Someone from the In-Between managed to get into this house."

"What? Are we safe?" 

"Don't panic. We'll deal with whoever it is. Everyone follow the trail of slime."

The ectoplasm trail led them out of the flat and to the living room area where there stood Sting and Rogue.

"How did you two get in here?" Natsu asked.

"Nevermind that. It's time to pay up Natsu." Sting said.

"I don't have enough to pay you back Sting. I'm sorry, business has been slow."

"You'll either pay with coins or with your body parts. Now what's it going to be?"

"Gentlemen now is not the time or place to be doing this." Gray said. "Please return to the In-Between and save this matter for a more appropriate time."

"And what if we don't?"

  "Then we shall have to use brute force to remove you two from here."

"I'd like to see you try."

"Please I'd rather not resort to violence in the presence of a child."

"We're not moving until we teach that undead worm Natsu a lesson."

"Very well but remember I tried to be courteous."

With that said Gray snapped his fingers and his cane appeared in his hand. Which he then used to swing at the two ghouls, he managed to hit Sting right on the head but he missed Rogue.

"Hey!" Sting shouted angrily. "This doesn't concern you, you meddling jerk! Get him Rogue!"

At once Sting's partner Rogue went to confront the sharply dressed ghoul. 

"So we meet yet again Gray." He said getting into a fighting position.

"Do I know you?" 

"Yes you do!" He replied in an insulted manner. "Exactly 50 years, 208 days ago, at 18 minutes and 41 seconds passed 2:00 am you manipulated my shadow minions to turn against me and beat me up."

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