Chapter 54

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Note: The flip phone did not exist until the 1990's but for the purpose of this story it existed in the 1980's

When Wendy left the empty flat and went to see what her parents were doing, she found that they both had to go to work this weekend which meant after they left she would be able to get her friends out of the house without any of them being seen. However her parents were not expecting her to stay at the house alone all day and planned to ask a neighbor to watch her. Wendy quickly thought of something to tell them to prevent that from happening. 

"My teacher is coming to pick me up so she can take me and some of my classmates to the library and other historical places so that we can get more information for our projects." Wendy had told them. 

"Really? Well in that case I think I'll stick around a little longer to meet this teacher of yours." Erza had said. 

"Sorry Mom but by the time she arrives to pick me up you'll already be at work."

"Can't she come a little earlier?"


"I'm sure if I called her and asked-"

"No! No. No she's already has a whole schedule worked out and I'm the last one she's picking up. She's a real stickler for staying on a schedule once she's got it all set up. There's no way she can get here earlier or make any changes to that schedule."

"In that case I'm afraid I can't let you go with her." 

"What? Why?"

"Because I've never met this woman."

"But she's my teacher Mom. It's not like she's a stranger."

"She's a stranger to me and I'm not letting you go somewhere with her until I meet her first."

"But you let me sit in a classroom with her for several hours everyday."

"Sending you to school to be taught by her is one thing, you getting in a car with her to go God knows where is another. At school there are plenty of witnesses not to mention they have police security. If you go with this woman in her car there will be no police, meaning she could probably abduct you."

"Mom, Miss Strauss isn't some child stealing deviant."

"She most likely isn't but I'm taking no chances. You're not going off in a car with an adult I've never met. A lot of kids go missing that way and you won't be one of them if I anything to say about it."

"You've been watching those police dramas again haven't you? Dad and I both agree that you shouldn't watch them so much. They make you paranoid."

"Don't get sassy with me young lady." Erza warned with a calm but stern tone. "And don't forget who here is the mother and who's the child. Now if your teacher is willing to come and talk to me before I leave for work maybe I'll let you go with her but if not I'm afraid you're staying here for the day."

Wendy blew in frustration. She knew she couldn't call her teacher to come here and explain to her about a project that didn't exist. And she couldn't just leave the house anyway once both her parents were gone because number one a neighbor would be watching her and number two they had a system where they would call every hour on the home phone to check up on her whenever she was at the house without them. Luckily however, she quickly thought of another idea.

"Okay I'll call my teacher and ask her to come pick me up first." Wendy said. "She's a stickler for staying on schedule but she can be flexible."

"Tell her I'll be leaving for work in two hours." Erza said. "And if she can't make it before then, you will tell her you can't come."

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