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i fell in love with him in the quiet moments. when he was playing his guitar while i painted, during our walks on the beach, as i watched him interact with his friends. i fell in love with him as he taught me about his passions, and i showed him mine. i fell in love with him as he listened to my deepest hurts and i listened to his. i fell in love with him in the early mornings and late nights, the good times and bad times, in storms and in sunshine. every piece of who he was became my new favorite thing.

he was everything i didn't expect. everything i had ever wanted. kindness seeped out of his every pore, he was painfully charming, strikingly handsome, funny, and full of love for everyone he met.

i fell in love with him quicker than i could have ever imagined, and by some miracle, he fell in love with me, too.

but things don't always work out the exact way we want them to, and our relationship was one of those things.


hi! i'm so glad you're here!

i only have a couple of things to say, just general information about the story.

i was highly inspired by a number of songs both on fine line, and by other artists for certain aspects of this story. i made a playlist (see next part) and would absolutely love it if you listen to those songs. i've put stars by the songs that had the most influence on my writing. if you really listen to some of the lyrics you might be able to see what i took inspiration from :)

second, while much of this story is influenced by harry's actual life, i am writing him as i imagine him. i do hope that my interpretation does him justice but i don't expect that i will perfectly encapsulate all that he is in my character. that being said, the events, timeline, and setting of this story will be different than what occurred all the months leading up to the release of lights up to fit Harry and Emerson's story. The story begins around February of 2019. I feel that it is important to include this note because real life events are included and i don't want there to be confusion.

lastly, the characters i've casted are just who i picture as my characters mostly for the purpose of the "social media" aspect of the story. please feel free to picture whoever you like though!

I appreciate each and every person who reads this! If I ever misrepresent anything in a way that is more than creative interpretation, please tell me! I am always up for constructive criticism!

that's all! enjoy reading!!


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