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Lucas' POV
Something's up with Maddie and I have no idea why.

"Hey dude! Have you met Blake?" "Who?" "That new kid who's been walking and talking to Maddie the whole day." Jason points out as Piper comes to peck him on the cheek. 'Who the heck is Blake? And what is he doing with MY Maddie?' "Hey are you ok? You look tense." I turned around to face him and an annoyed Piper.

"Yeah. Peachy." "Okay, if you say so. Hey Blake over here!" He waved to him.

As soon as Blake walked away from Maddie, I jogged up to her.

"Hey can we talk?" "There's nothing to talk about," she said angrily and walked into the hall. "Maddie, what is up with you? First you're ignoring me, then you're off with some other guy, and now you're TRYING to avoid me?" She scoffed and rolled her eyes.

"What did I do to make you act like this?!" She shot her eyes at me, "What did YOU do?! You kissed Lindsay! That's what you did!" She yelled.

I froze in my tracks.

"H-how did you find about that?" She laughed sarcastically, "Don't even act stupid with me Lucas. I saw you two with my own eyes! I can't believe you. You used me, played with my heart, then kissed someone else. Whatever." She started to walk away, but I grabbed her wrist. "Maddie wait," She pulled away and faced me with tears in her eyes. "Don't Lucas. Don't you dare touch me, talk to me, or even come near me. Because I'm done with you."

She ripped off her necklace and threw it at me, then walked away.

I screwed up.

*After school*

I was walking to my car after school ended. I usually drove Maddie home too, but you know... Anyways, before I opened the car door, someone stopped me. Jason.

"Dude what the heck is wrong with you!?" "What do you mean?" "Seriously? You're actually going to try and act dumb with me. You know what I'm talking about, Piper told me everything."

I couldn't take the guilt inside me anymore and it turned into anger. "Okay fine! I kissed Lindsay! But you know what?! It doesn't matter, because Maddie will never forgive me!"

He relaxed a bit, "Why'd you do it man?" "It wasn't me who did it. it was Lindsay who smashed her lips onto mine." "Then why didn't you tell Maddie?" "I tried to, but either way she won't forgive me. See?" I showed him Maddie's necklace.

"I gotta go dude, but are we cool?" I waited for minute. He smiled, "Sure," we high fived. "See ya dude," I stepped into my car.

I then rolled down my window, "Hey could you tell Piper what happened for me? I would, but she might knock me out before I could even say a word." "You scared of a little girl?" He laughed. "Pshh, no." I said sarcastically and drove away.

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