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Maddie's POV
I step into the bathroom and lock the door. I look up at my reflection through the mirror. 'Okay. take a deep breath Maddie. you almost kissed your best friend. No biggie. Ugh. Okay, I have to tell him about Lindsay. I have to get it out of my system.' I think to myself. I walk out of the bathroom and head back to Lucas' room.

'Okay Maddie. You can do this.'

Lucas' POV
I look up at and see Maddie standing by the door. I smiled awkwardly, "Hey, ready to get back to work?" I scratch the back of my neck. "Sure, but first, I need to tell you something," She sits down on my bed and I sit up straight, "Sure, what is it?

"Well, Lindsay came up to me today before history. She asked me a few things, like 'are we dating?'" "Hehe," my face reddened. "Well, I'm just going to get to the point. She is going to ask you out. And come on, who would say no to her?" What. Uh no thank you. "Oh," was the only thing I could manage to say. "You know what, we can work on this project tomorrow. See you later." She gathers all of her stuff and leaves. "Bye Maddie."

Okay, I know what to do.

I have to tell Maddie I like her and ask her out. Before Lindsay asks me.

*Next morning at school*

Okay, first off I have to find Jason and Piper. I spot them by Piper's locker, laughing and holding hands. "What happened between you two?" I point at their hands. "Well," Piper started
"We were hanging out at my house, one thing lead to another and-" "Batta, bing, Batta boom!" Jason finished. Piper chuckles and pecks him on the cheek.

"Okay," trying to change the subject. "I need to tell you guys something. I like Maddie." There face don't change. "What? No screaming, shouting, or jumping up and down?" I ask, confused.

"Well duh, of course you like her." Piper started. "You can tell by the way you smile really big when you see her, when you stare at when she enters a room, and even when you two sneak smiles with each other." I scratch the back of my neck, "That obvious?" "Yes," they both said in unison.

"Ok, well anyways, I need both of your help. I'm planning to ask out Maddie during lunch today." "And you need us for?..." "I need you guys to take of Lindsay. Please keep her FAR away from me. Because, she wants to ask me out." Piper shivers, while Jason pretends to throw up.

"So will you help?" Piper smiled, "of course we will. "Thank you!" I hug Piper. "Watch it dude! That girl is off limits." I put my hands up in surrender, "Sorry!"

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