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I had a free period after lunch today, so I stayed in the same spot I was sitting at in the hallway. That is, until someone came up to me.

"Lucas?" I looked up, "Oh uh, hi Mr. Donovan." "Are you okay?" "Yeah, well no not really." "Come here," he took me to his classroom and sat in the seat in front of his desk.

"Talk to me," he finally said.

After I finished telling him the story, I added, "I give up on trying."

He sighed, "Lucas, there are some things where you really want to give up on. But this, I believe is something that is worth trying. I see how you and Maddie connect, and even if you guys don't end up dating, at least try to be best friends."

"Yeah but how!? She doesn't want me anywhere near her!"

"You'll find a way, I know you will." I forced a smile, and headed for the door. "Oh and Lucas, you and Maddie remind me of me and my wife when we were younger. And look where we ended up." He put up his hand, showing me his ring. "Good Luck." "Thanks," I faked a smile and walked out.


Maddie's POV
As I got home from school, my phone started ringing. "Hello?" "Hey Maddie! It's Blake! I was wondering what color you want to wear for the dance this weekend?" "Um... it doesn't really matter what color we wear. you can pick." I said awkwardly. "Great! We'll wear salmon!" "Isn't that pink?" "No! IT'S A DISTINCTIVE COLOR THAT IS IN BETWEEN PINK AND ORANGE. SO THEREFORE, IT IS NOT PINK." I pulled back my phone a bit, "Um... okay then?" "Great!" And with that, I hung up.

"Ugh, I swear this dance is going to be the death of me." I flopped couch and sighed.

"Honey?" I looked up, and saw my mom walk in. I sat up straight, "hey mom." "What's the matter?" She sat down next to me. "Everything." "Like what?" "Well the dance is this weekend, and I asked Blake to go with me-" She put a hand up, "Wait, Blake? What happened to Lucas?" I bit my lip, "Long story. Anyways, I don't know if I even want to go to this dance anymore."

"Well, it's your last year of high school, and it would be a pretty big deal if you didn't go to this dance. But, if going to that dance gives you a bad feeling, then I would go with what your heart says."

I gave her a faint smile, "Thanks mom." "No problem sweetie," she pulled me into a hug.

Lucas' POV
I laid on my bed, staring up at my ceiling. Thinking. Then it came to me.

I jump up, "I have an plan!" I quickly started texting Piper and Jason.

Do you think Maddie is going to the dance?

Can you guess Lucas' plan is?

Comment down your answers below!

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