-The sunset-

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So, this is going to be a fluff one!

Just some cuddling, flirting and occasionally some kissing.

Also, thank you so much for 7 views!! This is surreal.

Anyway, let's get into it!

Dream and George walked alongside the water by the beach. They were talking about everything that you could talk about. Occasionally they flirted a little but not a lot. They were waiting for the sunset since that's the reason they even came here in the first place. They talked and laughed until George found a place they could sit. It was a rock by the water and big enough for two people to sit on. That was good timing since the it was about to be a sunset.

Dream checked the time and his phone said: 7:30 pm. The sun was so close to settling into the golden hour and while they just sat there and looked at the water George said: "Ive not seen a sunset in ages." Dreams just laughed it off as they watched the sunset. It was beautiful with various colours. There was red, orange, purple, pink, yellow and a little bit of blue. The thing was George could not see to many colours, so it was more boring for him and Dream. Luckly he just wanted to be with dream, he made him happy.

The sunset was about to stop as it turned darker and darker, but they still just sat there while Dream has his hand around George. He was quite small, so it was easy to go around him and he did not take up too much space which is always a good thing.

Dreams POV:

"you look nice George, have I said that too you?", I said while smiling and looking at George. I could see he was blushing as he turned his head away from me and mumbled something, but I did not hear what he said since it was so quiet. I just smiled and hugged George. He hugged back and that's when I got butterflies in my stomach. He smelled nice, like vanilla and cherry.

The smell was very calming and make me smile. George giggled knowing that I like the smell. "You like it don't you?", George said to me in a calming voice. Then it was silent but not an uncomfortable one, rather quite enjoyable If I say so myself. It was calm and loving. Everyoen started to go home because it was getting quite dark, but we stayed, it's nice to be in a dark place sometimes. I hugged George as if my life depends on it. He was so warm it made me warm.

I started to blush from all the flirting we did, we never really flirted so George to flirt was very unusual, but it felt right. I would hope that this night never ended but we needed to end someday. As I wanted to go, I saw that George had fallen asleep on me. He was so cute I could not wake him up, so I just let him sleep there. I ended up falling asleep too, and suddenly I did fall asleep.

Georges POV:

(he is dreaming)

Me and Dream walked in the forest and came to a lake surrounded my trees. It was very nice as the water complimented the grass with its blue colour. There were fishes in there, glowing fish. The fish were all kinds of colours blue, green, yellow, white and so on. I could not see the other clearly but the blue one, it was like neon blue... I loved it. I looked at Dream who was just looking into the water and kissed him on the cheek. He smiled and kissed back. This was so nice the forest was quiet, and the place lit up in a beautiful way. I had never seen such a beautiful place before. I wish we could stay here forever.... but the I woke up.

(He is not dreaming anymore)

I woke up while I was laying on Dream's chest while he was holding me. It was early and the sun was not up yet. I checked my phone and it said 3AM. How did I manage to wake up so early? I was not tired either. I guess I had a great sleep since it felt like I slept for twenty hours straight. The hot florid air hit my face as I stood up from the rock. I sat down on the ground besides the water and just looked at the horizon. Some minutes later Dream woke up, but I had not realized. He sat down beside me and put his arm around me and greeted me a good morning.

Dream's POV

I sat down by George and greeted him with a good morning. He jumped a little as he was not expecting me to wake as early as him. But he calmed down quickly smiling at me. As he stood up so did I and then before I knew it, he pushed me inside the water and started to laugh. I could not do anything, so I just sat there and laughed with him. As I went out the water, I remembered that my car would be wet, so we needed to wait an hour.

We waited about half an hour before I was dry, and we started to walk back to my car. My car was parked half a mile away from where we slept so it was kind of long walk. But we just talked all the way, so it felt like we only walked two minutes. We sat into the steaming car waiting for it too cool down a little. After it was cool enough, we drove back to my house. It was kind of big with two floors, one guest bedroom, two bathrooms, two kitchens and a very bug living room.

I made some food for us just some egg and bacon and after we were done eating, I drove him back. George lived very close to me, so it was not far to drive. He could have just walked to his home, but I wanted to spend more time with him. After a very short car trip I dropped him at his house, we said goodbye and I drove back.

I hope I get to do this again because it was nice being with George for so long.

I hope you enjoyed this!

The next one will probably be more NSFW but not too much. I will inform you on the parts. I don't know yet though so we will see. I have some stories in mind.

By the way I wrote this at school so sorry if its shit.

1122 words! 

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