HighSchool Cliché

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Ok so this idea is by someone with the user: @Sosomaus1337

And they had this idea where Dream is a bully and George is a typical nerd. He gets friends with Sapnap and blah blah all that cliché happens. So, this is inspired by that comment!


George was a new student at this Highschool. It was relatively small compared to other high schools, but that was even better. He went in and it was very quiet. Almost too quiet.......

"Shit school has started, and I don't even know where my class is. I just remember the principal's office. I think I should go there so he can show me where the class is. Or at least tell me.", George said to himself. George rushed upstairs to the office and got there fast. "Hello, I need help to find my classroom." George said staring into the principals' eyes. "Hello George Davidson. I can help you get there don't worry. Follow me, George." The principle calmly said to him.

He followed him to his classroom and went inside. "Ah, hello there George Davidson. Everyone, this is the new boy in class. Treat him good.", the teacher said to everyone and pointed to a seat. A seat next to Dream. You see, Dream is a bully. But George does not know that.... yet.


A break rolls around and everyone goes outside. "Hello George!" a student says. It's a guy with a bandana and a shirt with a fire logo on it. "George, my name is Sapnap. But you can call me Sap." He said to George. Sapnap and George started to hand out and had lots of fun. That was until Dream came. Dream found interest in George. He looked like a classical nerd but without those 'nerdy' glasses. He came over and started to annoy them. "Hello nerd. Aww you have sappy nappy with you. How pathetic. If you join me George, I will let you go without any consequences. But if not. I will continue to make fun of you nerd. You get three months, and after that it's done." He told George. Sapnap looked little worried as Dream went away laughing manically. "That guy is creepy.", George said. Sapnap agreed, dream was pretty bloody weird. He was always bullying people for nothing. I wonder what was going on in his head from time to time.

Dream's POV:

Wow that nerd is so stupid. I will bully him no matter what he chooses, I thought. Deep down my heart started to develop something. But what is this feeling?

Sorry for the very short one. I will make two parts, or three since I have lost all motivation to write. Like suddenly everything just- thrown out the window.


POGCHAMP EVERYBODY. I don't know what to do though.

What if I buy a little cheesecake or something like that?

Either way, thank you so much everyone seriously. Like some months ago I just had like 20 reads. This is insane. 

510 words

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