Halloweenie Trieatie

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Hello, before I begin this story I wanted to ask if you guys would like it if I stopped this smut thing and rather started on a story. Dw it will have smut in there too. I just feel like its long enough now but idk I will let you decide.

Also, if I don't stop this, I guess I will post a chapter once every month or every two months. But yeah, this is your choice so feel free comment whatever you think.

Let's get on with the story you have all been waiting for.


3rd POV:

Dream was setting up all the things and accessories in the house while George was baking everything. Sapnap and Karl are coming over tomorrow, so they need to do everything today. Well, they had scheduled to get everything done a week ago, but they had other plans, so they must get everything done today.

Dream was putting all the scary decoration on top of shelfs, roofs, walls and more. He even wanted to pull a little prank on George. Dream put up a fake spider that would fall when George opened the bathroom door. (Instead of door I put floor at first. Opening the floor, who does that?)

While Dream was setting the prank up George was almost done with the food, and dessert for tomorrow. He made some Halloween themed food and dessert. They all looked amazing, and George was exited to eat it. It was so tempting to eat it b- the doorbell rang. "I will get it for you!" Dream told George and went over to the door. When he opened the door stood BadBoyHalo outside. "Hello Dream, I wanted to visit you guys. Sorry I should've told you before I came." BBH said to Dream. Dream let BBH in and called for Geoge to come. George was done with his part, so he sat down on the couch and started to talk with BBH. They talked for what felt like hours and they probably would've talked all night if it weren't for dream who needed *help* with something. "George, I need help with something in the bathroom. Could you come here please."

George went to the bathroom and opened the door not suspecting something. Then the spider fell right down on his head and it scared George so much he ran away screaming. BBH started to laugh after he saw Dream run behind George apologizing so much.

After everyone had settled down George and Dream told BBH what happened and BBH started to laugh again. The vision he got in his head made it even funnier. "As fun as it was, I promised Quakity that I would come to his house for the night so I have to go for now." He told them and went out.

The rest of the night was spent cuddling and apologizing. They also looked at some movies and had fun.



Again, tell me if you want me to stop this and rather start on a real fanfic, not just oneshots.

If I do it, I will maybe base it on one of the one shots I have made already made.

But yeah tell me

Love you guys and byebye

Also i am again sorry for making this so short

Words: 561

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