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This has been on my mind quite a while and i need to get it out.

This is my opinion on today's internet.

In modern society internet there are a lot of bad things, but of course there are good things too. Today I will mainly talk about my perspective on the bad side and at the end I will tell you a little about the good things if I feel like it or remember it. I might just say some good things from time to time.

I feel like the internet should not be as free to access as it is. That makes it worse since kids can go on websites there not supposed to go on for example porn websites or social media that they are way too young to go on. Many kids later in life get serious mental issues about everything, from their mind to their body image. In my opinion people under the age of 18 should have restricted internet usage. What I mean by that is that there should be many websites' people under 18 can't go on. Or search for it. And even I feel like I shouldn't be able to go on a lot of websites. I have been exposed to it from a very young age and it really comes back later in life. 

The same goes for phones. I personally feel like people under the age of 14 should not have a phone. Most people are too young to be on social medias and their minds aren't developed enough to make reasonable decisions.

I understand that without a phone there are a lot of things we can't do, like call your friends or family. But maybe that would've been for the best. I know quite a few parents who already give their children a phone/tablet from the age of four and that really hurts me inside. The fact that they don't think about what could happen shows how much we rely on the internet that we don't even think about what could go wrong. But I can't change someone opinion on this topic either.

The next thing I want to talk about is social media.

I have a lot of problems with it. I constantly see very young people on apps like tiktok, instagram, snapchat etc. All these apps have become places where people can pretend to be someone else and make kids do something they will regret. Snapchat and other medias where you can send photos have just become places where young kids/young teens and other people get manipulated into sending nudes and other stuff. These places are also where people say lots of shit which can cause so many people to take suicide or just become mentally ill. And the medias are just basically porn apps at this point and it's not fair. If you think about it its awful. No one should go through stuff like that but here we are. 

Twitter is the most toxic media where people get cancelled every day, get pressured into suicide and other stuff, and many people start to develop different illnesses.

I also think the way women are pictured and proceed in social media is so messed up. Society has made unrealistic expectations on how people should look. And well that goes the same for men. Women need to be skinny, pretty and overall, just be someone who is "dumb" and u can use for clout. Men are supposed to be hot, have muscles and be strong overall. And stereotyping people is messed up to a whole new level. And in my opinion, it should not be like this.

This also goes for stuff like BLM and LGBTQIA+, stuff like this is a trend for many people and that is horrible. People think that being gay or supporting black people are trendy? People fake being lgbt or black for clout and for getting likes. That is stupid cause it cancels out people that actually are a part of LBTQIA or black since people around keep talking about it as if it was a trend.

On to the next thing, stereotypes and very weird fetishes and trend making. 

The thing I mostly want to talk about here are mental illnesses. Nowadays on many social medial, mostly on tiktok mentall illnesess are getting fetishized and called being trendy. Many people fake having depression or anxiety, adhd, social anxiety or other stuff also just to get likes and clout. And I want to take a moment to talk about how wrong that is. It's hard to tell who is faking and who is not since many people are faking it so when people who actually cut or have suicidal thoughts try to get help, they are being ignored, overlooked and getting hate for trying to get help? That is messed up to the point that it can be so bad that they actually commit. This makes helping people very hard.

But the same thing goes for trauma dumping. For people who don't know what that is, trauma dumping is telling about your trauma to someone.

Sometimes people trauma dump on people who have stated that they are uncomfortable being trauma dumped on or are in a bad place themselves and they get even more things to be worried about. You should only trauma dump if the person says it's okay or get in contact with a therapist. And I know that sometimes it's hard to get help or you can't, then you should tell someone who is willing to listen and a person you trust. I know how hard it can be to get help or express themselves.

Something I also have a problem with is tracking. Some people track down people to stalk them, rape them, kill them or kidnap them. This is just inhuman and disgusting. No one should get tracked only to be punished when they did not do anything wrong. And it also just makes me mad when people forget that not only women get raped it's also men. Everyone can get raped, abused and taken advantage of. And this is what the word it in this time. I really hope people start to understand that the internet has ruined too many things.

There are so many more things I could talk about and tell you, but I would be standing here all day and I really don't have the mental capacity for that.

Thank you everyone for listening to what I had to say, and I really hope you take something from this and think about it. What could we do as a group of people?

Anyway, I am really thankful for your time and the fact that you listened to what I had to say and listened to what I told you and the fact that everyone here, even the teacher has taken their time to let me talk about my opinion on this subject. I'm sorry if I got too personal on some places or talked about something you have trauma or memories from.

Thanks everyone that's it.

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