Take Me To Church pt.1

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TW: NSFW and Angst

I'll worship like a dog at the shrine of your lies
I'll tell you my sins and you can sharpen your knife
Offer me that deathless death
Good God, let me give you my life.

George and Clay go to church together. They never really speak but they do see each other every time they are at church. None of them are Christians but their parents are. George and Clay are both gay but have never told anyone. The church would literally kill them. They also go to the same school, so they see each other there too. One day after the church time George decides to finally speak to Clay. When everyone is gone, he goes up to Clay. Clay was a little bit taller than him with dirty blond hair, green eyes and nice freckles. It looks like they were hand placed.

(Remember that i know that churches dont just kill you but lets just say that in this story hey do. Sorry if that offends anyone.)

George's POV:

"Hello, my name is George." I said to him and held his hand out. He shook my hand and told me his name. His name was Clay. Wow he looked so good.

"Hello George, my name is Clay. Why did you want to talk to me?" He asked me and looked down at me with a smile. "Well, I wanted to ask if you wanted to be friends Clay. I always see you in school and church, so I thought it was about time I introduced myself." I explained to Clay as I smile and looked up. I held my hands behind my back and smiled at him with a warming smile. He smiled and happily agreed to be my friend. Wow finally we were friends. I hope that he is not against homosexual people. That would be a problem if he was. Either way I'm happy that we are friends now.

Clay's POV:

Wow, finally we became friends. After such a long time I can finally talk to him. I wonder if he is gay. If he is not, I hope that he is not homophobic, well he does not look like he would be, but you know anything could happen. I just need to wish for the best in this world.

"So, I guess I will see you tomorrow George?" I told him. I was a little nervous since I did not want to make him uncomfortable in any way of some sort. "Yes, Dre- Clay, I will see you tomorrow!" he told me with a warm smile and blushed. When he talked, I felt some sort of warmth in his voice. It felt nice to be honest. He was so good looking too god I wish he was mi- wait what am I thinking? I just met him, and I already think about him. God I'm such a freak. Did I say that out loud? I hope not that would be embarrassing. I don't think I did. Shortly after we walked away.

3rd person:

When George came home, he was a blushing mess. "God that was so weird I almost said Dream." Geoge was blushing nonstop thinking about what just happened. While George was blushing Clay was scrolling through reddit just looking at stuff. It was very boring at home for Clay. His parents were always working, and he was alone most of the time. Sometimes they were gone for week on end. This time his parents were going to be away for two weeks since they had a job to do in another country. That was kind of good cause maybe George could visit sometime. When Clay looked at the time it was already 8pm and he had school tomorrow, so he went to get ready to go to bed. George on the other hand was already sleeping. He needed a lot of sleep since he was always so tired. Even though he got a mass amount of sleep he was still tired. It was quite weird to be honest. George also went to sleep early because of his Depression. You see sleep helped him be more relaxed so that he did not need to think about it. He had been going to a therapist, but it was not helpful at all. They just talked and that's everything they did.

'Next day'

They both woke up around 7am and got ready. Clay was fast with everything and finished getting ready in 20 minutes. But George on the other hand was so slow. It too him almost an hour to get ready. Their school started at 9am so they had some time to spare. George ate breakfast and Clay scrolled on his phone. There was no church meeting today, so it was the perfect time for them to get to know each other more after school. They had basically the same classes today so they could talk a little in class too.

(after school since I am lazy)

"George hello again. I wanted to ask if you want to come to my house. My parents are away for two weeks so we can spend time at my house if you want." Clay suggested to George. George nodded and they went to Clay's house. It was quite big to say the least. They went inside and Clay showed George around. George was amazed, the house was so pretty, and everything looked expensive. George just had a very basic house. He did not really have anything expensive since his family did not want to use money on expensive decoration and well, he understood why. 

They ate some food and played Minecraft. Everything was going very well, and both boys were having so much home. After some hours George needed to head home so his parents did not think he was kidnapped or something stupid like that. His parents were always so protective it was crazy and weird. But they said goodbye and hugged before George went home. When George came home, he was greeted by his mom and another person. They did not see George come since they were making out. "Is mom cheating on dad?" George thought to himself.

He went to his room and started to cry. He was devastated since he always thought about his mom as an idol but now.... she felt so distant.

In the madness and soil of that sad earthly scene
Only then I am human
Only then I am clean....

*Next day*

George needed to leave this hell place. But where was he going to go or when? Or how? He was done. He could not continue living here.


Uhm hey Clay can I ask you something?


Uh sure? What's up?


I know this timing is horrible and we have just met but could I stay with you for some days? I will tell you why if you let me over. I know I should not be asking you since like we don't know each other too much.


Uhm sure! I mean I don't see any problem with it. My parents are out of town I guess you can stay for a bit. And yeah, sure you can tell me when you come.


Thank you so much Clay! I will be there in 10.

"EEEK IM GOING TO BE WITH CLAY YESSSS!" George jumped up and down in excitement almost dropping his phone. He packed up everything but tried to be as quiet as possible to not alert anyone. He jumped down the window and took his bag with him. He went to Clay's house. 

When he arrived, he rang the doorbell and Clay opened the door. "Hello George!" he said and gave George a hug. The hug was warm and made George feel so much better. After they went in and George put away his luggage George told Clay everything and why he came here and Clay comforted George because he saw that George was still kind of sad. The fact that his mom would cheat was so disgusting to Clay. 

Soon it was starting to get more and more dark so they went to bed and tomorrow it was church so they needed to wake up pretty early so they could get ready.

That night Clay slept on the couch and George in Clay's bed.



I will have to make this I think into two or three parts since I don't want you guys to wait either. And my motivation is kind of low so I won't be able to finish this in one take. I have already used so much time on this and I feel bad for making you wait.

1457 words

DNF oneshotsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora