Senses Are Failing

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Derek didn't like being at home. He was keeping up with his school work but he missed the atmosphere of being in the classroom; The funny moments, when the teacher flipped out and just the general sense of not being alone as you were with thirty kids in your class every day. When Derek had finished his schoolwork, he went out for walks to try and clear his head. He tried different meditation techniques and wellbeing but nothing was working. When he went to sleep it was worse; He kept seeing the red house and the other kids that had been with him in the house of horror. Derek often woke up in the early hours of the morning and dripping in sweat. One morning he had even woke up on the front lawn of his house. He hated feeling like this, he didn't want to see a therapist as they would just assign medication, which was just a quick fix. Derek was heading down a rabbit hole and he was losing sight of the light. 

Derek was thankful when Tuesday rolled around. Derek got up without being called and headed down to the living room to find Gary and Elle watching the news. "Hey guys", Derek said, walking over to the breadbin and getting two slices of white bread out and putting them into the toaster. "Hey bud", Gary said, turning his attention away from the news, "How are you feeling?". "I'm ready to go back", Derek said, giving Gary a smile. "I've liked having you at home", Elle said, "It's okay if you're not ready". Derek shook his head, "No, I'm ready. I need routine again". Gary nodded, turning back into the news and seeing a report about a murder. "Too much doom and gloom for me", Gary said, turning it off and getting up to wake the younger kids up. Derek heard hs toast pop up and zoned back into the world. He buttered the two slices and ate them in silence as Elle prepared lunches. At least his head wasn't fucking with him. 

When Derek reached school, he took a deep breath and headed in. He reached his locker and got his books for the first three lessons. Derek was startled by someone slapping him on the back. "Hey dude", a voice said as Derek turned around. Derek had nothing to fear, it was just Patrick. "Jesus man", Derek laughed, "You scared me". "You scared me as well man", Patrick said, "You never answered any of my texts, you okay?". "Oh yeah", Derek answered, "I'm fine, don't worry. My phone is kind of a mess right now". Patrick nodded, "Basketball's tomorrow, coach said we could have our first game next week". "Aw hell yeah", Derek said, giving Patrick a high five. "What's your first class?", Patrick asked, hoping he would have it with his friend. "Double history", Derek laughed. "Aw, same", Patrick said, "Awesome". Derek nodded, at least he wouldn't have to face the first two classes alone. 

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