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Elle and Gary had no idea what had happened to Derek in the last couple of hours, but they were concerned for his wellbeing. "You need to talk to a psychiatrist before you say anything, son", Gary advised, "Please, do that for us". Derek looked at the only positive people who were in his life, "I have nothing to hide", he said, "Why should I?". "You in the midst of a mental health crisis", Elle said, "None of this is you". Derek started laughing hysterically, "She made me this way!", he said, "That stupid bitch did this to me". Elle and Gary weren't sure what to do, they decided to back off. "Marlene is stuck in my head", Derek said, trying to compose himself, "I can't get her out. She is my demon". "Try taking some deep breaths", Gary suggested, taking deep breaths himself to try and encourage Derek to do the same. Derek shook his head, "I need to tell the police", he said, "I need to tell them and arrest me". Gary and Elle weren't going to change his mind on this one, but they would support him. They couldn't see a killer. They saw a youth with severe PTSD.

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